On Vox Day’s foray against the Alt-White, part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Of all the conflicts in the debacle, the only outstanding battle is the most psychologically complex: the libel suit against Gab. I won’t pretend to know anything about the law involved (and neither should you), but I will say that I’d put twenty dollars up against one in favor of Vox. He has more resources, more lawyers, more IQ, more conscientiousness, and more high-functioning followers than Gab and Andrew Torba’s temporary Alt-White allies. But even if he wins a Pyrrhic victory, he will lose the war because there are only two possible outcomes. Either 1) Vox causes all and sundry to submit to his will, becoming de facto leader of the big-tent Alt-Right, or the Alt-White conducts a long-term, distributed guerrilla war of harassment and propaganda which erodes the high-trust, cohesive culture among Vox’s supporters and followers. That said, this post is mainly concerned with why he’s doing it, and whether any good will come of it.

As I see it, Vox’s motivations are equal parts opportunism, personal revenge, noblesse oblige, and Boomerposting. He is correct to assert that Gab was always going to face this challenge, and it’s better for Torba and company to face it now rather than later, coming from a sympathetic party. Exacting revenge on those insulting Spacebunny (his wife) was a good opportunity to do something I expect was already on his to-do list. In that sense, the legal effort is equivalent to full-contact sparring which will demonstrate the weakness of lolbertarian-fu. On the other hand, it’s pretty clear that Torba is not emotionally sophisticated enough to understand the lesson he’s receiving, and so it’s less “training” than whipping a dog. That’s how Boomerposting works, which I hereby define as: “Virtue-signalling one’s inability to understand the problems besetting kith and kin, followed by simplistic moralizing about willpower and a steadfast refusal to practice basic nepotism (e.g. leaving an inheritance).” It’s humorous that Xers and Boomers can be converted to identity politics and still not understand that it’s just nepotism writ large, but that’s the American Dream for you: supplying self-satisfied sleepwalkers since 1776.

Whether the lawfare effort becomes constructive or destructive depends, in large part, on whether the charity meme took. I’ll recall some recent examples and note tentative progress in that direction—Vox is a smart dude and if anyone can internalize what I laid down, it’s him, but he’d be fighting his nature. It’s possible the noblesse oblige motive will win out when pitted against the others, but not the most likely outcome. First, recall the three requirements for altruism,

1. Significant personal cost to the altruist
2. Correct diagnosis of the recipient’s real needs
3. Significant benefit to the recipient

These three elements rule out a lot of the things people attribute to altruism.

On altruism

It’s a small conceptual jump to charity, which is low-cost, high-benefit altruism.

As an example of his initial anti-charity stance, here’s a Boomerposting screed against NEETs who couldn’t man up and marry those sluts if they wanted to (fails criteria 1, 2, and 3). The commenters telling them to read the Bible and get jobs are particularly risible, given that their audience are pagans who identify as intellectual aristocrats and therefore disdain wagecucking as a waste of their time and precious bodily fluids. The follow-up Misesposting required a generous expenditure of time and stress but was ultimately futile, doomed by Vox’s failure to understand his audience (fails 2 and 3). On the other hand, castigating Snidely Whiplash actually benefited Snidely in significant ways (succeeds at all three). Snidely is a fifty-something old man who identifies as Ilk, and Vox diagnosed his negative ideation and shocked him out of it, presenting a simple moral choice where the correct choice was also the easier one. Snidely took the easy option and was immediately showered with praise and job offers from other Ilk, and all because Vox took the time and understood his audience. That’s how you do charity!

The last example gives me some hope for the future. Vox reposted an article which does an excellent job of empathizing with the Alt-White’s grievances, limitations, and fundamental inability to bootstrap their own lives. This is empathy without action (fails 1 and 3) but it indicates Vox finally understands who and what he’s dealing with. That means he has all of the pieces he needs to turn this thing around, and he just needs to decide to do it. In the meantime, we at Aeoli Pera will be Switzerland, because neutral isolationism is the way of the Nobilid.

Well, that series was a slog. But I’m glad to have started a multi-part blog post and then actually finish it! Luxuriantly gorilloid mindset and focus on content creation is how we’ll make neardersphere great again. Believe me. We already have the best people, I know, you know, we all know.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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110 Responses to On Vox Day’s foray against the Alt-White, part 4

  1. Aeoli Pera says:

    I wish I had Torba’s ear, I can speak autistic whereas Vox struggles with it.

  2. Akuma says:

    Aeoli, Vox is fucked. Micro over on Gab is reporting him to the FEDs and EU Authorities. Vox just betrayed the white race. Also from his infogalactic page(https://infogalactic.com/info/Vox_Day):

    “He is of English, Irish, Mexican, and Native American descent. ”

    Hes white. Engish and Irish. Hes gone full Gamma.

    He just declared War on all of us because someone called him a Pedo. Well maybe he shouldnt have told people to do that.

    • Akuma says:

      “I won’t pretend to know anything about the law involved (and neither should you), but I will say that I’d put twenty dollars up against one in favor of Vox.”

      The only thing true about the law in this case is Vox is using his minority heritage to get a case. He filed in a liberal court.

      • everlastingphelps says:

        Sure, everyone knows if you want a liberal court you go to… Texas.

        • everlastingphelps says:

          When you are explaining that, you’ve already lost the rhetoric fight.

          • Aeoli Pera says:

            Phelps is good people, I want him here.

          • Aeoli Pera says:

            I think you’re overgeneralizing that idea. This is the land of autistes.

          • everlastingphelps says:

            I leave this conversation here as evidence toward’s Vox’s position that the NSJWs are rhetorical failures who cannot compete in the public forum and are pure liability.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              >I leave this conversation here as evidence toward’s Vox’s position that the NSJWs are rhetorical failures who cannot compete in the public forum and are pure liability.

              For now, but 20 years from now they will be the mainstream. The original Nazis were even less philosophically coherent but the masses still found them preferable to the old world order.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          “Berkeley in Texas”

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          >Sure, everyone knows if you want a liberal court you go to… Texas.

          This is IANAL stuff. I think you have to go where the jurisdiction is.

          • everlastingphelps says:

            Sort of. You have to file in a jurisdiction where the defendant has Personal Jurisdiction, and the usual test is Substantial Contacts. Your place of incorporation is prima facie substantial contacts, and Gab’s place of incorporation is Texas. (That’s why any attempt to move the case to PA is going to fail — Gab chose to incorporate in Texas and subject itself to Texas law.)

            More importantly, Gab listed an Austin address as its Place of Business, which is the second test in Personal Jurisdiction. They are locked into Austin on all jurisdictional counts. If VD had filed somewhere else in Texas (which would have been legally acceptable) Gab might have been able to get it moved to Austin (citing hardship defending itself some place else in Texas) but they are never going to get it moved out of Austin. The best they might be able to do is get it removed to the Western District of Texas in federal court, but I don’t see that doing them any good other than delay.

            The reality is that Gab has no motivation other than Torba’s ego to fight this. It was a fait accompli as soon as Vox filed it (which is why he did it) and the only thing he can do now is waste investors’ money on a doomed fight.

            • glosoli says:

              ‘Sort of. You have to file in a jurisdiction where the defendant has Personal Jurisdiction, and the usual test is Substantial Contacts. Your place of incorporation is prima facie substantial contacts, and Gab’s place of incorporation is Texas. (That’s why any attempt to move the case to PA is going to fail — Gab chose to incorporate in Texas and subject itself to Texas law.)

              More importantly, Gab listed an Austin address as its Place of Business, which is the second test in Personal Jurisdiction. They are locked into Austin on all jurisdictional counts. If VD had filed somewhere else in Texas (which would have been legally acceptable) Gab might have been able to get it moved to Austin (citing hardship defending itself some place else in Texas) but they are never going to get it moved out of Austin. The best they might be able to do is get it removed to the Western District of Texas in federal court, but I don’t see that doing them any good other than delay.

              The reality is that Gab has no motivation other than Torba’s ego to fight this. It was a fait accompli as soon as Vox filed it (which is why he did it) and the only thing he can do now is waste investors’ money on a doomed fight.’


              ‘When you are explaining that, you’ve already lost the rhetoric fight.’

              Are you the Supreme Dark Lord of Rhetoric? Heh.

            • everlastingphelps says:

              > Are you the Supreme Dark Lord of Rhetoric? Heh.

              Nope. More importantly, I know the difference between rhetoric and dialectic, and when to use them. AP will rarely be moved by rhetoric, but is easily moved by dialectic.

            • glosoli says:

              I leave this conversation here as evidence toward’s my position that phelps is a rhetorical failure who cannot compete in the public forum and is a pure liability.

            • everlastingphelps says:

              Accepted into evidence, no takebacks.

      • Aeoli Pera says:

        >The only thing true about the law in this case is Vox is using his minority heritage to get a case.

        He’s used his minority status tactically in the past, so if he thinks it’ll benefit his plans we should expect it again.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Aeoli, Vox is fucked. Micro over on Gab is reporting him to the FEDs and EU Authorities.

      That’s unlikely to work.

      >He just declared War on all of us because someone called him a Pedo. Well maybe he shouldnt have told people to do that.

      No, the tactic is obviously quite effective. The mistake was in declaring war, on the strategic level.

  3. everlastingphelps says:

    You assume that Vox wants to help them. I don’t think he does. I think he got information that lead him to believe that the NSJWs were being led by Soros funded leftists (most of whom were part of Occupy Whatever) and his goal is to destroy them as a movement.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      A counterintuitive proposition! Will file that away.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Hopefully he’s beginning to understand there are a hundred thousand of them who aren’t controlled opposition or Richard Spencer, and cutting off the snake’s head won’t work here.

      • everlastingphelps says:

        There aren’t a hundred thousand. That’s ridiculous. If there were a hundred thousand, we would see much, much more of them on the internet, because, at the very least, they would have purchasing power and there would be marketing directed at them.

        The reality is that there are a few thousand, tops. Meanwhile, Milo is a best seller. Where is Spencer’s best seller? Where is Jared Taylor’s best seller? Vox, BTW, easily outsold both of them with SAL, which certainly makes him being the weaker horse a “counterintutive” stand.

        The few thousand NSWJs are vocal, and they post lots of swastikas, but beyond that, they are just vestigial LARPers.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          Your worldview is premised on purchasing power. We’re talking about people who can’t afford Kindle books.

          • everlastingphelps says:

            People without purchasing power are people who don’t matter. You know that is true if you put any thought into it. If you can’t scrounge up $10 for a book, you are a useless person to a movement. You’re homeless, and your life is such a wreck you aren’t going to get anywhere.

            The alternative is that they are illiterate people, who again, are useless to a movement.

            This is the falsifier to your hypothesis. If there were hundreds of thousands, they would be more visible. Shit, I’ve bought books from Jared Taylor, and I’m not a NSJW. Where are their purchases?

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              Counterargument: Thomas Friedman is a best-selling Amazon author in politics, but 4chan elected Trump.

            • everlastingphelps says:

              4chan didn’t elect Trump, Bannon did. If 4chan didn’t exist, Bannon would have created it.

              In any event, I’m not arguing about who can win the horse race between the GOPe, the Trump coalition, or the leftists. I’m saying that sticking a saddle on the NSJW ass doesn’t make it a horse, and it’s never going to beat any horse in the race.

            • Hezekiah Garrett says:

              I’m just trying to imagine chans if created by an alcoholic boomer. Just goes to show, MPAI is a universal dictum.

  4. Lizard King says:

    “Well, that series was a slog. But I’m glad to have started a multi-part blog post and then actually finish it! Luxuriantly gorilloid mindset and focus on content creation is how we’ll make neardersphere great again. Believe me. We already have the best people, I know, you know, we all know.”

    Ah, I’m still waiting on that shipment of ThalForce Aeoli…I’m ready to upgrade my Occipital and Parietal lobes with the power of ginseng/honey/creatine/mescaline/low-sucralose-shrimpshell. That way I can upload my Megamind to the face-reading AI and get da gibs when the Singularity happens.


    • Akuma says:

      Tongkat Ali is the real shit bro.

    • Lizard King says:

      ThalForce changed my life. Just seven scoops of glucose/sucrose/fructose-free sugar, five cups of bleach, and two teaspoons of drano to wash down all that ThalForce and I was WOKE. WOKE AF M80. I saw the future, past, present, and the future all intertwined. I saw the Neaderthalzz rise up gainst the Australopitheboonicus!!!111 It was a beautiful timeline where every plant was weedlmao and the Ayys gave us the keyz to building the pyramidz out of nuclear reactors and DMT!!1

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Ah, I’m still waiting on that shipment of ThalForce Aeoli…

      We acknowledge the recent delivery issues, but we promise to ship at least as quickly as Grimoire II: The Grim Noir.

      >I’m ready to upgrade my Occipital and Parietal lobes with the power of ginseng/honey/creatine/mescaline/low-sucralose-shrimpshell. That way I can upload my Megamind to the face-reading AI and get da gibs when the Singularity happens.

      Donate to my Patreon if you want to jump the queue.

      • Lizard King says:

        “Donate to my Patreon if you want to jump the queue.”

        Well, kinda short on cash right now…I already paid fourteen hundred dollars for the ThalForce…

        What I can give you though is LizBuckz. Once the Singularity happens and I take over the internet with my giant ALPHA NEANDERMIND OCCIPITAL 2.0 everything will be paid for in LizBuckz. I guarantee it.

        Or I’ve also got a coupon for 20% off all Cigars at an obscure tobacconist hundreds of miles away from you.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          >What I can give you though is LizBuckz. Once the Singularity happens and I take over the internet with my giant ALPHA NEANDERMIND OCCIPITAL 2.0 everything will be paid for in LizBuckz. I guarantee it.

          I’d better get in at the ground floor!

      • Akuma says:

        Wheres your patreon link? I searched your name and couldnt find you.

  5. Heaviside says:

    Now I would never condone violence; murder is always wrong, especially so when it’s carried out by the cops or the military, but this is the proper response to “Boomerposting”:

    “It’s what your Moscow lecturer answered when he was asked why he forged lottery tickets: ‘Everybody else is getting rich one way or another, so I wanted to get rich quickly, too.’ I don’t remember his exact words, but the meaning was for nothing, quickly, without effort. We’re used to having everything handed to us, to pulling ourselves up by other men’s bootstraps, to having our food chewed for us. Well, and when the great hour struck, everyone showed what he was made
    of . . .”
    “But morality, after all? The rules, so to speak . . .”
    “What are you so worried about?” Raskolnikov broke in
    unexpectedly. “It all went according to your theory!”
    “How according to my theory?”
    “Get to the consequences of what you’ve just been preaching, and it will turn out that one can go around putting a knife in people.”
    “Good God!” cried Luzhin.

  6. Akuma says:

    Like I said on the last post, people who ezpect you to lead then are just to lazy to wipe thier own ass. If they sat down and did the work, theyd get farther then if they followed the leader.

    • glosoli says:

      It’s not simply the background (as explained here) that makes Vox look like a ******.

      Its comments like these at his blog that show the true character of the *man*:

      ‘Blog comment: The more I roll this around my head the more I think Torba is doing this intentionally so he can pocket the 1m+ he raised and walk away whistling.

      Vox:I very, very much doubt that. Torba has Silicon Valley stars in his eyes. He wants to be a tech billionaire and a Very Important Personage, not a petty con artist.’

      It’s classic gamma gaslighting. It’s pathetic. How anyone here can not feel contempt for him, and still comment at his echo-chamber blog is beyond me. He’s a distraction, he’s not going to fight for victory, he’s part of the problem. A wannabe-boomer.

  7. Tom Kratman says:

    Somewhat unsurprisingly, many of the commenters here, and you, yourself, Aeoli, are missing a key point. Wrapped around the idea of leadership, you have missed the other way of being in charge and effecting great things. This is _command_. “What is command?” you ask. How do we tell when we see it?” Command exists when what the commander wants to happen happens without his having to do anything much beyond pointing out the goal, setting the left and right limits, and ordering, “Forward, march.”

    Given any talent for it, command is the best job in the world. It is also a hideous misery for those without talent for it. Vox has, I assure you, some talent for it, but is still gaining the experience to use it. He does it fairly well, especially in light of his complete lack of legal authority.

    Leadership gets involved with the mud work, the worm’s eye view, the trivial details. Leadership concentrates. Command, conversely, sees the big picture, and spreads itself a _little_ thin (Vox spreads himself too thin, but, again, he’s still learning) to have maximum impact. Command does not just occur, and the finest commander in history didn’t step into a new job and exercise command. Command must be developed over time and with effort, or even built from scratch.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Thanks for taking the time to explain.

      • Tom Kratman says:

        So long as you begin to grasp that leadership is not actually the issue.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          Well hang on, you might be speaking more precisely but I do have a good point. Vox is a *thought* leader and when he says things, that’s enough to cause other things to happen in real life. Gab’s registrar situation is a consequence of irresponsible posts and would not have happened otherwise for a long time. Another example is the SJW list- he suggested somebody ought to make one and it existed mere hours later, and hit Breitbart within a week.

          • Tom Kratman says:

            Ah, but the sudden appearance of things like that list are _command_, not leadership. I am not at all sure one can be a “thought _leader_,” though one can be a thought influencer. This, again, is more akin to command. What you are describing is, in general, command and if Vox didn’t know it I am pretty sure I explained the difference to him some years ago. So he can say “I have no interest in leading,” “I am not a leader,” etc., and be perfectly truthful, because he is not trying for leadership but for command.

            I haven’t been following the GAB thing,

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              >So he can say “I have no interest in leading,” “I am not a leader,” etc., and be perfectly truthful, because he is not trying for leadership but for command.

              With near-perfect confidence, I can say he is trying for neither.

              >I haven’t been following the GAB thing,

              When you said “the problem” earlier what were you referring to?

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              Correction: when you said “the issue”. This post and the primary point of contention are both about Gab. My thesis- that the Gab debacle is actually a continuation of the Cville debacle- is idiosyncratic and not at all widely known, accepted, or assumed.

            • Tom Kratman says:

              I _didn’t_ say “the problem.”

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              Corrected. When you said “the issue”, what were you referring to?

            • Tom Kratman says:

              I don’t actually care much about Cville or Gab. But I noticed – shall I count the times – that Vox and some version of “leadership failure” came up in this series more than a few times. It is specifically that I was addressing.

              I know Vox a lot better than you, most likely. Your confidence is misplaced; he IS trying for command. It suits his personality and his self admitted laziness. Did I neglect to mention how easy command is, once you’ve got it, given the talent for it?

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              > But I noticed – shall I count the times – that Vox and some version of “leadership failure” came up in this series more than a few times. It is specifically that I was addressing.

              I know this will come off as slow or trite but I’ll ask anyway. Are you implying that the problem is 100% on my end, in my head, etc.?

            • Tom Kratman says:

              No, Don’t really care about “the problem,” in this regard. Only care, in this context, about correcting the accuracy of the assessment of Vox as a leadership failure.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              >No, Don’t really care about “the problem,” in this regard. Only care, in this context, about correcting the accuracy of the assessment of Vox as a leadership failure.


            • Tom Kratman says:

              Addendum: One notes, too, that much of the whining about Vox’s leadership or lack thereof is best translated as, “Vox isn’t doing what I want him to, he is not following MY wishes, and so he is a leadership failure.” It’s so thoroughly millennial it should be framed for the ages.

              Note, here, that Vox has been on my doo-doo list for some months. I am not actually interested in defending him, only, as ever, in defending the truth as God gave me the light to see that truth.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          I don’t discount the flaws of Alt-Reich, but I’ve written at length about those before.

    • glosoli says:

      Vox and his ILK of boomers (like Tom) will lead us to a glorious defeat. Or command us.


      PS Vox: ‘There are no shortage of good reasons to question the sensibilities and the wisdom of the Catalonian secessionists.’

      What a globohomo. And it should be ‘There is no shortage’.

      • Aeoli Pera says:

        >Vox and his ILK of boomers (like Tom) will lead us to a glorious defeat. Or command us.

        Your humble host is still an Ilk in good standing, even if I’ve thrown in with the Alt-White.

        >And it should be ‘There is no shortage’.


      • Tom Kratman says:

        Never been an Ilk, dipshit. As for boomers v. Millennials/Xers, one notes that the complaints of the latter about the former translate to, “Damn those boomers for stealing everything before we could steal it ourselves.” It’s just the complaint on one group of would-be thieves about a better or luckier group.

        By the way, presuming you’re one of the latter, have you any idea of how intellectually damaged millennials and Xers are? You – the collective “you” – have been detached from history as from cause and effect. Your ability to think has been warped, perverted, and stunted. This is your real complaint against boomers but, of course, you cannot voice it because, if you did, it would be tantamount to an admission of your own subhumanity.

        There are, of course, some Xer and Millennial exceptions to this. Nothing in my limited experience of you suggests to me that you are one of the exceptions.

  8. Tom Kratman says:

    Perhaps they began the contamination earlier in the UK, then.

  9. Tom Kratman says:

    I am 61, by the way.

  10. everlastingphelps says:

    So, at the end of the day:

    Mos. ago, Vox warns Torba that his position is untennable Re: moderation

    Anglin’s enemies (or perhaps Serbian Jew Double Bluff) put Torba in hot water vis a vis the registrar

    Vox proclaim that Torbin’s registrar problems are systemic, not transitory

    Vox points out his own claims regarding lack of moderation specifically aimed at Anglin and his ilk, the source of the drawn fire

    Torbin says “Sue me”

    Vox sues him

    Torbin goes ape and beclowns himself

    Torbin draws more systemic problems re Registry

    Vox exacerbates the registry problems while being silent about the suit

    Torbin finally resolves the systemic registry problems and declares victory

    Low information gabbers declare that Vox has been “BTFO”

    1) Registrar problems that Vox identified months ago are finally resolved,
    2) Vox’s lawsuit is still live against Gab but In Fact against Anglin and the other NSJWs with Gab as an overall unharmed proxy/passthrough,
    3) Low-information gabbers think Vox is defeated and are thus demobilized until Anglin and ilk are served under their government names

    How is this not total victory for Vox? That gabbers who he hated to start with hate him more? He loses lulz? Is that it?

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >How is this not total victory for Vox?

      Because the existence of Gab was a good thing, and the loss of it is a bad thing. We will disagree on this, but I believe it could have been saved. Months from now all this dialectic will be forgotten, and all anyone will remember is that Vox brought down Gab.

      • Tom Kratman says:

        This is possible. Do not, however, be terribly surprised if Vox has an alternate waiting in the wings for him to, once again, _command_ into existence. No, I don’t know if he does; I simply would not be surprised.

      • everlastingphelps says:

        Gab still exists and doesn’t appear to be in existential danger anymore. Even the Travis Co lawsuit doesn’t threaten Gab existentially unless they plan to do something suicidal like refuse to abide a court order to disclose the IPs.

  11. glosoli says:

    Can Vox apologists not just leave us alone?
    Most here hate his guts because he’s a snake.
    I resolve to troll any and all Vox supporters that keep posting here.

    Kratman: he fought for da joos, war is good, freedom for Israel. What a fucking man.

    • everlastingphelps says:

      You’ve got an IFF problem. You think that anyone who says anything bad about Gab and Torbin or good about Vox is his “apologist.”

      That suggests that you are not tall enough for this ride.

      • Tom Kratman says:

        He’s not. Once again, the difference between the alt-nazis and the SJWs, intellectually, just isn’t there to be seen.

        • everlastingphelps says:

          That’s why I call them NSJWs. National socialist justice warriors.

          • Tom Kratman says:

            It’s very appropriate. There really isn’t any difference; Alt-Nazi or SJW, their days are spent on virtue signaling, victim playing, idiot-meme generation, and living in mom’s basement, rent free.

      • glosoli says:

        ‘That suggests that you are not tall enough for this ride.’

        Heh, the Vox-poxers even use his lines, how can they lack slef-awareness so glaringly?
        So unoriginal, so gamma-esque, so far up Vox’s backside.

        Will they not learn, we hate Vox, you defend him, we hate you too.
        You are and your Jewboy leader are our enemy.

        • Tom Kratman says:

          Ah, and see, I don’t hate you. I despise you, yes. I think you’re disgusting, as well. I cannot think of any reason to waste oxygen on you, at this point. I think it would be best if you never bred, that, too. But I am filled with Christian sympathy and pity for the way your mind was bent, twisted, warped, perverted, and ruined, even so.

        • everlastingphelps says:

          So, it’s bad when Vox punches right, but it’s a plus when you punch right because “you hate him, we defend him”?

          Am I following the NSJW psuedo-logic?

        • Boneflour says:

          Who is this “we”, kemosabe? Glosoli + Akuma + Swog?

          Do you have to outnumber a guy to argue with him on the internet? Is he that dangerous?

          Slef-awareness is tough, I don’t fault people for not having it.

    • Boneflour says:

      Are you going to troll Aeoli “Ilk in good standing” Pera?

      “Will they not learn, we hate Vox, you defend him, we hate you too.
      You are and your Jewboy leader are our enemy.”

      What are your opinions about the guy currently charityposting on behalf of Vox Day? I don’t want anyone to say you’re inconsistent.

  12. Tom Kratman says:

    If you’re going to troll, G-spot, learn how.


    • glosoli says:

      ‘I don’t actually care much about Cville or Gab.’

      Boomers, they only care about themselves.

      • Tom Kratman says:

        This showed up in an odd place, numb nuts, but perhaps, like your utter ignorance and cultivated stupidity, it isn’t your fault.

        By the way, one doubts there has ever been a generation as self centered to the point of solipsistic as the millennials.


        • glosoli says:

          It was a good troll.

          ‘By the way, one doubts there has ever been a generation as self centered to the point of solipsistic as the millennials.’

          Boomers of course.

          • Tom Kratman says:

            By the way, fool; something else you, unsurprisingly, missed. I came here in peace and in full civility until you, with your tiny brain and withered spirit, decided to attack. presumably because you’re too weak to stand any contradiction or even anyone not in full agreement with your pathetic and vile fantasies.

            Oh, yeah, the Christianity just _shines_through_ from you.


        • Tom Kratman says:

          No, actually. Boomers, vile as they were and, in most cases are, were and are still better than millennials, whose consisting whining, once again, about boomers translates as, “Damn those boomers for stealing everything before we could steal it.” It’s, again, just the resentment of would-be and failed thieves over thieves either better, or luckier, than themselves.

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