GUTalk part 1

Yes, I will eventually be writing good stuff consistently again in the near future. Maybe not mega woopoasting until I’m actually good at my job because I can’t justify the time or attention yet. On the bright side, I’m impressing myself with levels of organization that shouldn’t even be possible. On the not bright side, low energy is still a bottleneck, so that absolutely must come first.

This is the conversation the water filters part was pulled from. The first part is the most exciting because I start it off by ranting for a good fifteen minutes.

The third part will have the most information in it because we talk through the high-level bullet points that have been abstracted from whatever crazy number of books MM read since he started this project last September. The second part is the weakest content but probably the most enjoyable to just chill out with because we just rambled for an hour.

These podcasts will be in preparation for the first release of the Grand Ultimate Theory of Winning, the content of which I’ll be editing and organizing into a workbook. The goal is to pass some institutional wisdom along to younger guys—primarily Gen Z but also some of the younger Millenials—to make up for the shit job their parents and culture are doing.

Jordan Peterson’s cult following is only the symptom. For more on that, listen to the ranting (it’s pretty good).

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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6 Responses to GUTalk part 1

  1. bicebicebice says: do you think this is a prelude to the white roving rape gangs?

  2. Ø says:

    Look at Vox’s character design for Inhumans:

    It gets all the Edenic traits more or less accurate, with the exception of the projecting thumos-chin. I also like that his character appears to be an evil injun lol

    • Ø says:

      Just LMAO at them actually making him into a canonical supervillain, not realizing how incredibly flattering that is and being completely oblivious to how much perceived coolness and value this gives him among the nerd set.

  3. Ø says:

    Also a lot of very interesting content in the vid that I’ll get around to responding to eventually

  4. bicebicebice says:

    alright just finished listening to it, the difference between the bonecast and manicmaniac-cast is the bro-level levels, im actually having to think right now what i was going to say believe it or not. what i wasn’t going to say was that you should bring up the same question twice and see if there is a difference in answer based on edenistic-majistics. “Yeah that was really good and yeah really good so that was good with some good solid advice” runs a risk of it being “ignored” or “boring”, namsaying? i know it says part 1 and maybe digestion but still, maybe thats just me. give me the whole enchilada.

    i really forgot what i was going to say, but the being so smart i don’t need a routine is a weakness against the sapient rape eat sleep kill routine. that is how serious not having a routine is if you think you can “outskate” it. itz like a drawn out suicide. a shit routine is 10000 million times better than not having one in the long run. it is true that it gives freedom and frees up time money and health.

    another twist is that some people should not be allowed to succeed and have their virtual fake jobs and fake hobbies in order to not burn down society, if every communist was on their communist-simulator 2019, the west world be a better place right now. gives a more proper view on le poor vs rich imo.

    thats my 1/2 of a comment

  5. Pingback: Rape gangs as revealed worldview | Aeoli Pera

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