
Neon revolt 1
Neon revolt 2

The good news is, at least he’s being honest with himself. Seeing sincerity out in the world is a always a big white pill for me, kind of like those Swedish girls doing the remembrance vigils for Tommy Lindh.

Tommy Lindh remembrance


About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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11 Responses to Ouch

  1. You knoWW who says:


    Serious credit to him for leaving the cave.

    (also interesting that he was just banned from twitter. Q shit isnt dangerous to the system but whatever new direction he took, it obviously was)

    Whoever wins the election will be who they WANT to win the election.

    If they want Trump, they just have to let a single Biden skeleton out of the closet.

    If they want Biden, they have to just… not do that. Most people still on the train are souring very quickly to Trump right now. He might as well go full Twinks 4 Trump, cut off his cock, and get raped to death by pack of niggers for votes.

    “Jarrod, are those my voters outside? ;) ”

    NO BORDER!!!
    NO WALL!!!
    NO USA AT ALL!!!

    “You were right about pivoting, Jarrod. Look how excited they are about my new platform! ;0 ”

    We’re way past voting now. Normies must be made to understand this.
    Form functional irl communities, work from there.

    White separatism!

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Most people still on the train are souring very quickly to Trump right now.

      That’s been my experience. Only the most delusional shills are still Trumping right now, because the smart shills have realized they have to meet the people they’re losing halfway.

  2. You knoWW who says:

    >The fed is rigging the market by buying bad corporate debt with taxpayer money.

    Yup. Biggest fucking scam ever. Should have people rioting in streets to see trillions of THEIR money directly transferred into the bank accounts of fucking elites. But RIP fentanyl nigger I guess, time to riot when the tv says so…

    But its worse. They are actually buying everything. (blackrock buys everything, then fed buys blackrock bonds. A simple enough scam that an ACTUAL country would see as a clear violation of the federal reserve act). Hell, half of the new credit facility (bond only) is to buy DIRECT from corporations, not even on the market!

    If they ever start buying stocks (not bonds) without even trying to hide it (sooper illegal lol, as if that matters) thats a good sign they are just letting the investor class suck the country dry ASAP and shits likely about to get badddd very quickly (Pump and dump the whole USA in a span of months…)

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >If they ever start buying stocks (not bonds) without even trying to hide it (sooper illegal lol, as if that matters) thats a good sign they are just letting the investor class suck the country dry ASAP and shits likely about to get badddd very quickly

      That’s already happening. They’re not planning on staying. The silly thing is, most of them don’t have a surefire exit plan yet and they’re already looting wholesale, because they lack the moral instinct or culture to self-police.

  3. bicebicebice says:

    during obongo-soetero-hussein-barry white people marched in the streets with guns, during drumph people sat back and trusted the plan – mimicking the boomer mindset that landed the west in the perils it be in the first place – that someone else is going to magically fix the problems see: importing foreigners to do the jobs we wont save the demography and the economy…same thing with rumpie; trust the plan utilize magic thinking and do no heavy lifting yourself and don’t do anything that will give (((bad optics))) in the jewish press (one day they will love white peepoo apparently), MIGA!

    People I respeck in 2020:
    jews: for their uncompromised resolve in white genoicde
    niggers: for being true to themselves as destroyers of everything irregardless of what cracka ass whitey cope-says
    the spiteful mutant normie – the eternal sape: for being molded and formed by the lower nigger lifeform imitating them 100% proving that Edenism is real and that the swedish eugenicists did the right thing in kevorking 70k ethnic swedes – I dare you to find any serious nationalist alterantive in 2020 that are as based and willing to do what it takes to save civilization aka unironically larp as 1922…inb4 CHYNA.

    IF we are not going to live in cities in the west, then what is the point of space? building a fucking treestump on saturn?!?!?


    White man, you must accept defeat now, you are very tired, like 500 year old swimming turtle, go take long nap in cave like 1000 year old wise bear and wake up in 3020, like cunning fox.

    // your best friend Xi


    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >White man, you must accept defeat now, you are very tired, like 500 year old swimming turtle, go take long nap in cave like 1000 year old wise bear and wake up in 3020, like cunning fox.

      Lol, you still don’t understand anything. Good persuasion starts from a common value and demonstrates how positive alternatives better fulfill the value. It’s not as complicated as people make out. Have you even considered what value you’re appealing to exactly? “Shut up, go to sleep, and die” is how they red pilled my Boomer dad and Millennial brothers, which is exactly what’s happened in the last four weeks.

      Simply demonstrate the value of waiting to get what I want and I’ll 180.

      • bicebicebice says:


        “Lol, todavía no entiendes nada. La buena persuasión comienza con un valor común y demuestra cómo las alternativas positivas satisfacen mejor el valor. No es tan complicado como lo hacen las personas. ¿Has considerado exactamente a qué valor apelas exactamente? “Cállate, ve a dormir y muere”, así es como pusieron en tela de juicio a mi padre Boomer y a mis hermanos Millennial, que es exactamente lo que sucedió en las últimas cuatro semanas “. sin embargo, debe tener la única familia en Estados Unidos que no viva en Kwanstania, el resto de la población … lo simple o fácil no importa en primer lugar porque ya es demasiado tarde en segundo lugar porque los sapes van a sapear que deberían hacer que esa exposición canina con problemas perros, en cambio, es con las personas y el problema humano se resuelve al deducir instantáneamente los créditos de sus billeteras cuando camina o tira basura como un signo de lo que le espera a ese comportamiento, sin embargo, ver la reciente bonanza de la estatua nuevamente es demasiado tarde … vive en 1950, no vivirás en 2050, ni siquiera puedes vivir ahora, porque la sociedad occidental no debería ser reparada simplemente reemplazada, como lo hicieron en otros lugares (pista CHYNA).

        “Simplemente demuestre el valor de esperar para obtener lo que quiero y obtendré 180”. solo espera 2 semanas más

        “La buena persuasión parte de un valor común y demuestra cómo las alternativas positivas satisfacen mejor el valor”. necesitas dejar crecer ese bigote y conseguir un gran club que lo acompañe o ese mumbo jumbo fácil no va a volar con los lugareños. la gente te decepcionará cuando les presentes una solución simple, buena, honesta y sencilla porque en el fondo son bastardos apoides del infierno que recientemente bajaron de los árboles.

        // your trusted friend in the party, Uncle Xi



    Aeoli ‘Holy Moley!’ Pera has challenged me to a…

    And I, BIG DADDY BONEFLOUR, hereby accept the warrior’s call!

    But if this triathLEAST wants a try at the BEAST, we gotta make it interesting.

    If he wins, I will give Aeoli ONE BILLION INTERNET POINTS! (or some other intangible of equal or lesser value, terms and conditions apply)

    But when I win, Aeoli must admit once and for all that Twilight Sparkle is best pony… and Fluttershy ain’t shit!

    Can you match the power of eating dirty,
    laying around all day,



    First one to 20 chin ups in one go wins!

    (link to song, volbeat ‘the warrior’s call’ goes here)


    Also the power of talking UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNTS OF SHIT!

    Almost forgot that one. Whew!


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