My lesson from the pandemic

Aeoli off topic but what were your key takeaways from what you learned during the pandemic.


That’s a great question. My primary takeaway is that people will still maintain a big, maladaptive pretense even when everybody knows it’s a pretense, and they know everybody else knows, and they know everybody else knows that everybody else knows. Basically, the normies finally woke up, as the internet hoped they would for so long, and the revolution didn’t happen. Not only was there no uprising, but it just accelerated current trends, especially the totalitarianism. I didn’t even notice any ressentiment beyond what was already there due to genetically determined individual temperament.

In short, I learned that normies are 100% apolitical, genetically, and there’s no environment you can put them in that will change this, no matter how stressful or ridiculous.

Others may have learned that you can’t trust Trump, or that such-and-such group are a bunch of unapologetic psychopaths (many such cases), or that everyone around them is completely insane, but I already knew those things at the time and was spared the shock.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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48 Responses to My lesson from the pandemic

  1. ShadoHand says:

    Vox Day brought up on one of the dork streams that he can’t use power tools. He also doesn’t know how to put heet in his car gas tank. How incompetent, and Gamma, can one man be? Like seriously, he’s not a sigma.

  2. LOADED says:

    I do indeed ask great questions which is why I asked the question in the first place…

    I wanted 2 know which questions I asked you or topics WE discussed between ourselves that stuck 2 you the most.

    Pls answer as my charisma beckons 2 grow and we need recycling of thought processes brought up long ago 2 formulate such creative mindsets!

  3. bicebicebice says:

    “and was spared the shock.”…maybe the real shock was the friends we made along the way, internet fringe culture being the unironic real science, as ordained by God Almight in Heaven, and all that jazz.

    to paraphrase; the neets did inherit the earth for a small time (corona), but not itz mineral rights (gpu prices skyrocketing), meaning people who are good at inherting good things will keep on inheriting good things, things that are good to have to get by on this planet in this life, atleast materially speaking.

  4. ShadoHand says:

    If there are withdrawal symptoms to every drug on the planet why do you think psychotropic drugs are somehow immune to this?

  5. ShadoHand says:

    This is related. Basically before the current era violence and rebellion were normal. People understood when, and why, someone got angry.

    Now you’re told to just up and deal with it. Even it’s it’s downright abusive and treasonous what these sub human trash did to you.

    If The Founding Fathers were alive today they’d shoot every therapist. It’s why we probably won’t have a violent collapse. Mental Health has been weapnized so anyone that fights back is branded crazy, and everyone believes the Mental Health Authority. Including The Hero’s allies and people that would normally join him.

    People even revolted after the cadaver synod and disposed Pope Stephen The IV. This is important because so many Christians try to argue all the authority figures are there because of God so we should obey them. But there was literally a revolt where a Pope was thrown in jail. That would never happen today even though Bergoglio has done far worse things.

    You fake Christians really screwed the pooch, and called it Zoophilia and tried to treat it with therapy and drugs Instead of just killing the degenerate heathen engaged in beastiality. Go fuck yourselves. I’d call you Protties, but real Protties have more balls than you. Go read the history of The 30 Years War if you don’t believe me.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      I forgot, another important lesson from the pandemic is that you can tell who’s actually crazy vs. smart enough to appear crazy by looking at who seems crazier during crazy times and who seems saner.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Thank you for the reminder.

      • LOADED says:

        You should thank Shado and I 4 building your life and career up idiot.

        if it wasn’t 4 shado this blog pre pandemic wouldn’t exist and if it weren’t 4 me you’d be a retarded feeble minded loser like you should’ve been.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          1-day ban for referring to Shadohand, whom you’re forbidden to interact with in any way in these comments. You may comment again Sunday morning.

    • bicebicebice says:

      “If The Founding Fathers were alive today they’d shoot every therapist. It’s why we probably won’t have a violent collapse. Mental Health has been weapnized so anyone that fights back is branded crazy, and everyone believes the Mental Health Authority. Including The Hero’s allies and people that would normally join him.” ..Preach!

      The premise truly is insane, the jew ruins the natural environment causing all kinds of health problems, then tells you to go to a another jew, pay him money, to convince you that everything is alright and you just need to do more positive thinkn…

      As much as it pains me, elon mush did more than trump via buying twitter because a firewall is much more effective than a border wall, preventing jewish access to peoples minds, inb4 social media should not excist at all, brick phones until the age of 35 and women niggers and jews should be banned from the internet – they should.

      Imagine noticing from a young age, this creeping feeling of unease because something is wrong in the environment, people are not acting they way they used to so you voice this opinion outright or your actions by inactions betray your sentiment so you get sent to a jew who gives you unironic crazy pills – thats terror, terror built into the system.
      Imagine a people so foul they have to bribe themselves into a singing contest and then rigs it to go “UH WE GOT DA SUPPORT OF THA PEOPLE”.

      jews, not even once.

      • ShadoHand says:

        `inb4 social media should not excist at all, brick phones until the age of 35 and women niggers and jews should be banned from the internet – they should.`

        Nah just make wireless tech illegal. So basically mobile devices have to be plugged into a computer and then all stuff on them transferred to the computer. Or have a dongle adapter for a modem.

        The computer, laptop or desktop, has no wireless tech (i.e. Bluetooth, wifi, nfc etc.) either which means it’s hardwired by ethernet.

        I used to do all of the above with an android tablet that had ethernet coded into it under the connection settings. I even took my Wifi card out of the laptop too.

        Also all domains with adult content get registered as .xxx. If a site has some adult content, like Instagram, you can use subdomains. For example someone’s profile is:

        But if it had some adult content:

        Wheres a porn site would just be:

        Or even the Instagram site could be:

        Theres really no reason why we can’t do this except Conservatards.

        I’ll write more up later when I’m done eating Denny’s. But anyone with a brain should just grok what I am saying here.

        • bicebicebice says:

          “Nah just make wireless tech illegal. So basically mobile devices have to be plugged into a computer and then all stuff on them transferred to the computer. Or have a dongle adapter for a modem.” Ah, the good old days, when the Simple act of turning on a modem filtered 90% of the general population…

          “Also all domains with adult content get registered as .xxx. If a site has some adult content, like Instagram, you can use subdomains. For example someone’s profile is:” thats actually fucking brilliant and the reader should be left to ponder the implications…

          just re-package 90s era parental guidelines and make each step harder/harder to verify in order to access, the stuff that makes normies go insane.

          when the views and revenue dries up, and people no longer talk about those people, nobody will miss them when they are whisked away in the middle of the night by men in black and sent to the re-education camps or maximum security for life… looks like another win for CHYNA where this is just common sense.

          This also just to be common sense in the west as well, meaning insane fringe people are just normal well adapted people from the Before Times circa pre 2000 AD.

          What doesnt cut it for me are the implications, people are good if they are forced to be good, be it by the local unironic Church Pastor, the benign good morals of the local community, the police or Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin by threat of firing squad.

          If people are giving freedumbs, they automatically become sinful devil worshippers, which leads backs to Edenistic neanderbooning which is DNA or, more(less) socially accepeted, that one Christian nomination I dont remember the name of that Tex posted about coverting to in 2007(???), or similar human kosher train of thoughts like tabula rasa ie what normies be saying, unbeknowst to them, is that the nigger will be a nigger unless GOOD SCHOOLS meaning babysat by whiteman ad infinitum and slip ups is whiteys fault etc etc etc.

          However there are good people, I recently joined an all bona fide sperg tabletop gaming group, and not once have I been pounced on for the benefit of someone elses social peacock standards because the concept doesnt even exist, itz like this comic if it was only one panel long:

          Degradation+of+a+fanbasehobby+by+4chan_7a1672_7034548.jpg (1200×629) (

          There are no nigger jokes, no jew jokes, no wahmen jokes, because in the perfect world that is about to bee, niggers dont exist, jews dont exist, and women are not present at the table so they are not talked about because the talk is about the people who are present at the table thus automatically allowing for a good time to be had since the rules of conducted are always, Innately, followed – as it should be.

  6. LOADED says:

    you and Neurottuh are the most ungrateful and dumb people ever. I was so unfortunately conditioned 2 have 2 behave nicely 2 autistics like you 2 you idiots.

    it’s so sad that the idiots in this world crucify me rather than any of yall.

    I mean I’m sure people don’t REALLY like you other than your ignorance and disrespect 2wards me and others like me because you think you can get away with it.

    What I’m saying is if you want we should play a game of chess.

  7. LOADED says:

    this clown Aeoli wants a leadership position so bad he fails in understanding the only other people he can lead are autists. No one else is going in the tag team with him in neurotypical world.

  8. rillxn says:

    There’s a common quote in the manosphere that ‘women take the shape of their containers’. Women are the quintessential normies and as such the two can more or less be equated. That leads to the conclusion that normies take the shape of their containers. You alluded to this in a LoZ: OoT analogy about the townspeople. For most of the game they are cheery, innocuous NPCs. However, once Ganon takes control of the kingdom, they morph into zombie enemy types. This phenomenon is also recorded in the behavior of civilians in the Soviet Union – spying and ratting on their neighbors and anyone who’s presentation deviated from total compliance with the state.

    • ShadoHand says:

      Yeah, but there were no mental health professionals in The Kingdom of Hyrule.

      Even the most right person in America still believes in destroying people’s lives with Psychiatry diagnosis.

      The USMC is very fond of it they told me to speak to one for owning a copy of The Anti-Federalist Papers And The Constitutional Convention Debates (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)

      Now here’s the crazy part this all happened in Syracuse, NY where Ralph Ketchum taught. You’d think the losers who are supposed to defend The Constitution would at least now it’s not an Anti-Government terrorist document. But alas they are retarded trash that need to be shot.

      Again I am OWED an apology.

  9. alexmichel410ecb9e7a says:

    This is a fascinating topic.

    Yes, great takeaway.

    Modern normie men are very womanly in this way. You know how women supposedly are adapted to happily mate with the conquerors who killed their husbands and sons? Men have become kind of like that too. Only worse, because it’s not based on survival instinct or on attraction or even on fear. It’s based on passivity and normalcy bias and head-in-sand ostriching. Were normie men always like this, or just after being conquered and demoralized? Probably a case of yes/and/both.

  10. alexmichel410ecb9e7a says:

    Sorry to be obtuse, but could you please clarify this: “you can tell who’s actually crazy vs. smart enough to appear crazy by looking at who seems crazier during crazy times and who seems saner.”

    Which behavior means actually crazy?

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      People who are actually crazy will become more obviously crazy as the situation deteriorates. People who are sane but appeared crazy because they were describing crazy things accurately will appear much more sane as the situation deteriorates, in contrast with the people around them. This type of person is VERY sane because they were able to come to terms with hard realities sooner and more easily, and this sanity is readily observed under common stressors (2020) that drive average people a bit nutty.

      • Fuchs says:

        Then there’s far-out schizos who’ll appear equally crazy because mundane reality does not affect their thinking or behaviour in any appreciable way, as they’re living in their own world, fighting a personal mystical war with the forces of Evil like Downard.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Run a search in the archives for “moral courage” for more on this.

  11. ShadoHand says:

    A recent attempt to fully map a mere cubic millimeter of a human brain took up 1.4 petabytes of storage just in pictures of the specimen. A collaborative effort between Harvard researchers and Google AI experts took the deepest dive yet into neural mapping with the recent full imaging and mapping of the brain sample, making puzzling discoveries and utilizing incredible technology. We did the back-of-napkin math on what ramping up this experiment to the entire brain would cost, and the scale is impossibly large — 1.6 zettabytes of storage costing $50 billion and spanning 140 acres, making it the largest data center on the planet.

    But people still believe in Mental Illness. Like the complexity of the human is so mind boggling, but these assholes just say it’s because of some chemical imbalance. Which the whole chemical imbalance thing was never proven, it’s been disproven, but never proven.

    At this point if you still believe in it, and many Fake Christians do, you need to just be shot. And if your a conservatard and you want to play `WeLl JuSt GeT oVer it!” to it’s victims you need to just get shot too.

  12. Boneflour says:

    Man, the Pandemic. Remember those days? No, because most people straight up forget painful memories. “I don’t want to think about that, I got work in the morning.” Fair!

    I like to call the UK “America, but without guns.” Remember when they literally banned sex for like a year and a half?

    That article makes it sound like a joke, but people posted videos on Twitter of cops breaking down their doors because “The music was louder than we expect one person to listen to. We thought there might be an illegal party in here.”

    Luckily they allowed people to have sex again later on. But no kissing or looking into your partner’s eyes!

    • ShadoHand says:

      `Man, the Pandemic. Remember those days? `

      Its not over yet. We don’t know the long term effects. Normies screwed the pooch royally. They got to me in 2016 so what these normies did in 2020 to me was nothing. I feel nothing for them. Maybe a couple of their women have nice bodies or something, but then I just think WWAND?

    • bicebicebice says:



      May 11, 2024 at 7:47 pm

      Man, the Pandemic. Rememb” ..uhh..the..the what??

      “to having pretty much every item on their list passed through with no opposition.” yeah, we now live in 100% globohomo.

      This is where we live now; inb4 we wuzzin
      CVklVsPWIAANpj3.jpg (426×463) (

      A real autist would start from the beginning, seeing as the end is 100% over and the new is 100% beginning (ended to, in a sense, ending beginning full firce yadda yadda); what was garbage collection like in the before times? was it better than todays globohomo one?
      Were the potholes filled in 1980? Are they filled in 2024???

      Maybe broken windows led to people becoming satanic child rapist cannibal headhunters, so there aint much point to expel those people again, unless people plan on fixing the god damned windows again ie the smallest problem thats where the end begins.

      Bob on X: ““everyone’s autistic now” okay my single 63 year old neighbor with $1.2 million of model trains in his basement who wrote a 90 page letter to the city about the brightness of streetlights when i was growing up was just a regular guy then” / X (

      This is what anime is all about, this man is fighting the devil the jews and his own people all at once, who will answer the call to help him??? who will adjust the brightness settings and trim the hedges?!?

      Can he be trusted in model train standards?probably
      Can he be trusted in street lamp settings?maybe
      Can he be allowed to vote in a democracy? Never, because he cant be trusted, unfortunately his only interesting is making sure niggers have the proper model trains and that jews dont walk around in the wrong lamp settings.

      Democracy either ends with CHYNA, one party that just had the best policiy for the ethnic people of the land, or like amerikwa, kwanstania, narrowed down to 2 parties which is good, sure, but both parties are ran by and for jews and israel.
      In my cunt there are 8 parties who are ran by and for jews, so atleast ‘stania is more efficient.

      In the year 1957 sweden had the 4th largest air force in the world with a population of 7,3 million ethnic swedes, 1000 planes ready and could mobilize 850 000 men at the drop of a hat, today we have a population of 12 million niggers who cant mobilize 10 000 men because nobody cares for dying for the sake of said niggers or the niggers themselves dont care when they can just move to another country and fleece whitey all over again.

      more than 50% of local municipality laws in swe are governed by brussels!they dont speak the language, the culture, but yet they have majority rule on what can or cant be done in some remote northern shithole with a local population of 500…itz just a big scam to federalize the eu for conscripts for a war against russie and china, much like israel vaccums the us for zogbot soldiers to fight whatever scam they got goin on this time.

      One should expand the list

      The before times:
      1. on jews;
      They were expelled from everywhere.


      The before times:
      2. on niggers;
      They lived in africa or at the local zoo/circus.


      The before times:
      3. on women
      They were women.


      tldr: itz over, as usual. nitpickers can now do a full completionist run and all the side quests and dlc content on “society”.

      • Boneflour says:

        CHYNA gives me hope for The KWAN and for SWE. China were beurocrats for 1000 years, 8 civil wars or something. Lost the Opum wars, had the Century Of Humiliation. Conquered by Japan that one time.

        And then however many millions of corpses they jumped over in one Great Leap! And today, we know them as CHYNA.

        Everything is gake and fey in Clown World, why wouldn’t our genocides be the same? 40 years of “We building that bridge back mahomies” untill Brussels cant drive their electric cars to your house to count hijabs.

        We spend all our military, our money, our industry on lowering the standard of living till even the black people go home? And we are stuck in a Detroit style Hiroshima blast? What if normies just wanted New Game Plus the whole time?

  13. Boneflour says:

    1: The adults really are in charge. The Elites used the Pandemic to go from mostly running everything to having pretty much every item on their list passed through with no opposition.

    Remember when all the upper middle class types were just going to go live in New Zealand if America got too rough? And then the New Zealand Prime Minister lady just straight banned guns during the pandemic. Every pretend freedom they had, cancelled like hall passes. You could hear the long sigh of everyone rich enough to own a second home, but too poor to buy laws.

    2: You can just like, say no. Some peripheral countries banned The Unvaccinated from any indoor space including grocery stores and um, jobs. There were outdoor grey markets for The Unclean. But in America? Lot of that stuff was haphazardly enforced. Lots of soft pressure, but hard force was mostly on military personnel or politically sensitive types.

    Blue cities cracked down for real. And then GOBS of people in those blue cities skipped town. All the CNN types agitating for MORE LOCKDOWN were in Florida at the beach!

  14. ShadoHand says:

    `Say something you haven’t said a million times already, I dare you.`

    Just did. Plus most of my insights would solve a lot of problems everyone has.

    Heres a better thing: Stop believing in mental illness @Aeoli

  15. LOADED says:

    what I learned from the pandemic is you can’t trust anyone and that people don’t piece 2gether the biggest pieces of assumptions/in4mation 2 get the correct answers ever!

    a bit dramatic but true due 2 dramatic times we live in!

  16. LOADED says:

    Aeoli loves the status quo and wants everything aligned with those basic assumptions that have already been proven wrong.

    that’s an example of how he lacks moral courage but there are some other very important examples out there we’d need 2 consider.

    he is not as open minded as he thinks he is and he’s not as intellectually inclined as we’d assume.

    he’s made 4 hard labor and drifting between intellectually challenged and intellectually challenging.

    so it’s hard 2 say why he appears in many forms being a “competent” individual.

  17. LOADED says:

    Aeoli thinks himself funny. I find it surprising that anyone of his caliber has been forced in rebuilding the wheel but I’ve been through the same motions.

    Aeoli has done a lot in terms of bad but he can redeem himself if he gets his narcissism in check.

  18. Warrior Monk says:

    Aeoli, please use this comment instead of the previous. It’s the same, I just want to indulge in some username management! Thank you!

    Aeoli, I wanted to run something by you. What’s your take on the notion that Christianity was created by the enemies of the Roman Empire/Gentiles to undermine them? I’ve seen this notion from Nietzche. And from various pagan LARPers. Also from an internet guy Mark Brahmin who thinks gentiles were deliberately demoralized by Christianity and should become “Appoloninan.” And in reasonably articulate detail from substacker NeoLiberal Feudalism (link below).

    As a compulsive contrarian and conspiracist, I am open to considering all ideas including this one. As a Christian, though, I don’t like this idea. And I wonder if this idea of Christianity as a hoax is itself hoax-y demoralization propaganda from people who fear Christianity’s Truth and/or its value as a schelling point.

    (These two posts about Christianity are part of a bigger series of posts on how the world is controlled, central banking, etc)

    Anyway, I’m curious if you’ve come across any of this stuff before and what your take on any of it is.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Back in my teens I got into apologetics, when Dan Brown was a current issue. Twenty years later, I’m disillusioned of trying to argue with people about it. It was always shit-tier, and without looking into it deeply I can already tell you this is more shit-tier Dan Brown paperback novel stuff. People latch on to these things because they want to fornicate and Christianity says to get married and be monogamous, and that’s all there ever is to it. I’m glad apologetics exists for people who are genuinely curious, which always turns out to be people who want Christianity to be true for one reason or another. I’m sure there’s an article or two on Gotquestions, carm, reasonable faith, etc.

      It’s kinda like how no one IRL has ever noticed how smart I am unless they were sexually attracted to me.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      If you can’t find anything, fire off an email to the Godcast or Stone Choir.

  19. LOADED says:

    Aeoli is a fake Christian. He doesn’t believe in Jesus like his predecessors. He wants the easy way!

  20. Pingback: E-girls in military uniforms | vulture of critique

  21. LOADED says:

    Aeoli is an immoral human. I am glad he has suffered.

    • sonar 21 says:

      please help me sir i am indian kill me

      • LOADED says:

        yes Indians and Indian sympathizers like Aeoli deserve death. Crooked cowards.

        I think Aeolis autism is on par with the autism of Indians rather than the variety that typically afflicts the white man.

        Aeoli is a putrid creature.

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