Re: Vaknin on capitalism

H/T Patrick:

The most interesting part was toward the beginning where he makes the social mobility argument. The obvious retort would be that merit is primarily heritable, so maybe meritocracy already happened and the people inheriting wealth are the most deserving because they also inherited the best genes. (Obviously that opens up a discussion of whether merit = godless psychopathy.) I’d like to see that explored more. It would be necessary to show that social mobility is not higher when a society switches to capitalism. I expect it would be quite high. On the other hand, that’s likely true of any change of economic system, since it reflects a change in values which status is appraised by.

The more direct argument against capitalism is that the people it elevates to billionaire status are immoral according to Christian standards. Admittedly, in recent years the typical millionaire has been pretty morally solid (ref. The Millionaire Next Door), but I suspect this is changing quickly as we transition to an entirely fraudulent economy.

My own critique of capitalism is that its lowest-energy state, to which it must flow, is that of older generations eating the younger generations. See:

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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26 Responses to Re: Vaknin on capitalism

  1. bicebicebice says:

    “maybe meritocracy already happened and the people inheriting wealth are the most deserving because they also inherited the best genes. “

    Edenists are right about Edenism…to paraphrase orange cheeto:
    “somebodys doing the inheriting (of economic genes)”

  2. ShadoHand says:

    `so maybe meritocracy already happened and the people inheriting wealth are the most deserving because they also inherited the best genes.`

    If I was a Millionaire The Elite would have to sick USDEVGRU on me along with a Squad of Delta Force, and probably a battalion of Marines. Rich people survive on nepotism and nebbish behavior.

    Anyone with merit is squashed in our schizociety. As a Sigma I would know. I infuriate people, or it’s hand waved away, when I set records.

  3. ShadoHand says:

    `elevates to billionaire status are immoral according to Christian standards.`

    And that’s because Christians keep supporting them. If Christians stopped…..

    • Steve says:

      ‘The obvious retort would be that merit is primarily heritable, so maybe meritocracy already happened and the people inheriting wealth are the most deserving because they also inherited the best genes.’

      Meritocracy has yet to happen, that only happens when the meek inherit the whole earth. For the time being, it’s crooks making hay, they deserve only to be thrown into hell.

      Genetics are certainly a big part of the plan though. Those descended from certain historical figures who were brave and just have always been cultivated by those guiding mankind to a better future. Jesus being descended from David, for example, would guarantee a certain strength necessary to willingly die for others.

      • ShadoHand says:

        `Those descended from certain historical figures who were brave and just have always been cultivated by those guiding mankind to a better future. `

        Doesnt explain The Boomers, or their mentality. Or anyone else for that matter.

        I am descended from someone who died during one of The Crusades. I traced it back. My near ancestor, from the 1700s sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, and married up. Married well up, to the actual power brokers (i.e. landowners.) Hardcore Catholics.

        This explains my behavior, but it doesn’t explain other people’s behavior and why there are so many fake Christians. Are men really that cowardly?

        Crooks and scumbags are in charge because we allow them to be. We need to launch The Final Crusade already.

      • LOADED says:

        the only reason capitalism is nice in this accord is because the shift in genes that become necessary in survival are ever shifting.

        it does promote Darwinism and survival of the fittest because adaptivity at a human psychological level is never enough you’d need a source of adaption in entire genetic legacies in getting the job done!

  4. LOADED says:

    capitalism needs an anchoring point where the things being talked about are brought attention in being justifiable.

    what I would say is if you have a good governing system then the capitalism becomes productive because people are using their capital in a meaningfully effective way.

    if you have a bad system then people will spend their money in ways that’s not utilitarian in the framework of the masses.

  5. ShadoHand says:

    It’s official. Read the newest Sigma Game if you haven’t already. Vox Days NPD is on display for everyone to see

    The comment section is filled with guys that should know better. But again they are flying monkeys. They are telling people to go to therapy. Literally they are Fake Christians.

    No wonder he, and they, hate me so much.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      I don’t read there anymore. Can I get an executive summary?

      • LOADED says:

        Aeoli off topic but what were your key takeaways from what you learned during the pandemic. I think you’ve made more mastery of the knowledge necessary in having a dynamic relationship with people so your ability in understanding group dynamics has strengthened in and as a byproduct.

        I remember teaching you a lot but I don’t think you appreciated the situation much on an emotional level. I’m not sure though.

      • ShadoHand says:

        Basically they are saying Gammas should go to therapy if they need it. Even some loser, it’s way to long to explain why, Cedric is saying it as well. They are essentially just rehashing reddit style self help advice.

        Oh and Vox is on about how the why of someone’s behavior isn’t important. Which sounds so Boomer to me if you are forced to manage people made Gamma on purpose.

        They should know better since they are Christians. But instead they are leading lost souls to to the butcher.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          I agree people should go to therapy if they need it. I disagree that the why doesn’t matter, because diagnosis is how you choose between treatment options (in daily life, this just means how you act around someone), with the caveat that the human body and mind are a complex systems and it’s not necessary to know how the treatment works to alleviate problems. When Vox says the why doesn’t matter it’s because he’s been letting himself go lately.

      • ShadoHand says:

        Also where is my other comment?

        Also we are alumni now once my FAFSA processes.

      • ShadoHand says:

        I used the word wrong. We are members of the same college. I am a current student you are a former. So when are the benefits of nepotism going to kick in?

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          Well, I suppose I could give you advice on professors and classes and stuff like that.

          • ShadoHand says:

            NOPE! I want real Nepotism. It’s patently obvious you are holding me to a different standard, and breaking your own rules.

            I have provided ample evidence for this. Which you continuously ignore.

            I am not being fundamentally dishonest either. That’s a behavior I routinely encounter in others. So I’m not a Gamma.

            I am OWED an apology.

  6. LOADED says:

    capitalism makes it so that some people horde their wealth their assets in general in such a way that they shrink and squeeze on the rest of society.

    it’s like that in the sociosexual marketplace as well where some people are brokering their way in terms of realizing and pushing all their assets in one stream.

    it’s a matter of injustice.

  7. LOADED says:

    my biggest regret was not being ruthless with you. You’re not a competent leader or even an individual in the slightest.

    you constantly choose comfort over genuineness and that’s why you’re a failure.

    I don’t think your grand dreams deserve any recognition but seeing how hopelessly lost society is you may get a reaction and attention you think you deserve from people hopelessly lost in life.

    normies and such will suck you off because they’re childish and think you’ve actually accomplished something but I read past that entirely.

    just try and refrain from failure. Because if you fail you will be looked down upon completely as a grandiose narcissist because you wanted everyone sacrificing their goals in the name of your beliefs and worldviews.

  8. LOADED says:

    the reason I find faults with you is because you mix impulsivity with proactivity when it applies….which is detrimental because I’m doing the latter when you think it’s the former.

    I also question why you think I could not be a genius when you said I had label me merely a charismat.

    you basically plundered hope when you said that I was limited in my ability and retrofitted me in being a charismat merely because I didn’t pass the intellectual threshold in terms of and in becoming a genius.

    You’ve said that anyone above a 120 IQ can be a genius and stayed my IQ falls in place at 120 with a moderate tilt in verbal than spatial….as per PPs blog on the article estimating my IQ.

    in your definition of genius I fit the downregulating anxiety genius format because I’ve been forced 2 adapt 2 it.

    all my choices are creative ways 2 downregulate anxiety not only 4 my own mental well being but in the grand scheme of things accelerating decision making and building success in my life.

    I think I can be a genius as much as you can without the intellectual horsepower you carry because I have higher openness and other creativity inducing features.

    please give this time in maturity and tell me whether you’ve grown up in this accord or primordial understanding.

  9. ShadoHand says:

    `treatment options`

    Its not treatment. It’s torture. Go read Rob Wiponds Book too. Or The myth of psychotherapy by Thomas Szasz.

    Why do all you people question every narrative, except the one about therapy?

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      There’s good therapy and bad therapy, seems pretty obvious.

      • ShadoHand says:

        No there’s not. Therapists solve nothing. If you have a bad landlord and they are refusing to repair the apartment, and evict problem tenants whom what is a therapist going to do about that?

        Plus therapy sessions cost a couple weeks worth of food. Plus there’s the scheduling problem. If you are at work how you are supposed to go to therapy. It’s literally worthless and is a state sponsored religion. Anyone that says it helped them clearly had no friends at the time willing to tell them the truth. Or is retarded and can’t critically think. For people like us it’s straight up damaging.

        Also you didn’t answer my question:

        Why do all you people question every narrative, except the one about therapy?

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          > Anyone that says it helped them clearly had no friends at the time willing to tell them the truth. Or is retarded and can’t critically think.

          That’s a lot of people.

          > Why do all you people question every narrative, except the one about therapy?

          I don’t question most narratives.

          > Plus therapy sessions cost a couple weeks worth of food. Plus there’s the scheduling problem. If you are at work how you are supposed to go to therapy.

          Most of the people who do it are middle class or better and their insurance pays for it.

          • ShadoHand says:

            Fuck the middle class. They are worthless idiots. There only problems are that their Starbucks Barista screwed up their order. They have never faced hardship.

            `I don’t question most narratives.`

            Which means you are a Fake Christian. The Lord hates a liar. Narratives are lies. Total and complete lies.

            You are everything wrong with the current state of the west.

            I have provided evidence that Therapy is The Rap(e)y and you refuse to acknowledge it. These people have classified beleif in Our Lord Jesus Christ as mental illness.

            How can you as a Christian still believe in this?

          • ShadoHand says:

            `That’s a lot of people.`

            Sounds like a personal problem, and sounds like a lack of empathy problem.

            If therapy, psychiatry, psychology, etc. didn’t exist no one could say `Seek help.` and virtue signal how they helped someone they’d have to actually help.

            I’m struggling to understand how you cannot see how abusive, and Non-Christian, it is to send someone in need to speak to someone who can destroy their entire life and future with the stroke of a pen.

            If you don’t believe me go speak to one and show them your blog. I bet you get dragged off to an inpatient ward.

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