Save a refugee, shoot a moderate

This is insane.

H/T Vox for vid.

It helps to have a little rule-breaking in you, to be able to predict how rule-breakers will operate. Personally, if I were about to trek thousands of miles with my life savings, I’d bring a gun or two, and maybe more.

Not being a jihadist, I’d probably leave the AK’s and RPG’s at home, but clearly this highlights the rabbits aren’t even screening the immigrants bags. You wouldn’t want to invade their privacy, I guess.

Apocalypse is on its way. There is no way to avoid it once this level of stupid sets in.

Anonymous Conservative
Refugees Are Bringing Guns With Them

This is the kind of stupid I’m talking about. Sometimes politics isn’t just this fun game we play like a snarky family sniping at each other in a sitcom, sometimes it’s life and death.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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9 Responses to Save a refugee, shoot a moderate

  1. Heaviside says:

    Let’s not call it “suicide”, please. The jews and the U.S. Army must be held responsible for what they have done. We all know the story with the jews, but what is less obvious is that the military has been directly aiding this invasion of Europe for some time now. Back in Bosnia they engaged in a campaign of genocide against Serbians, where the Serbs had been trying to prevent the encroachment of the Southern flank of Europe by non-white non-Bosniak muslims. Yes, the Pentagon and the State Department turned a blind eye to the infiltration of Bosnia with foreign muslim jihadists, because they just love promoting Wahhabi terrorism and general chaos all around the globe. It is the same script they have been running on for a long time now, fomenting ethnic conflict and race war since Wilson’s redrawing of the map of Europe, where minorities like Czechs and Poles were given free reign to persecute and ethnically cleanse Germans in their artificial fiefs, backed by American power. Why was Milosevic poisoned? What was Ronald Brown really doing over there? (Expanding ACORN’s tentacles? It would be rich to see Glenn Beck investigate THAT.) This rape of the Balkans opened up one of the major arteries of today’s great migrations.

    More directly relevant, the U.S. military took out Qaddafi and created the situation in Syria which has allowed so many non-Syrians to invade Europe. It’s the same shit, but the public doesn’t remember Yugoslavia very well. They don’t know that the military facilitated the aggressive actions of non-Bosnian muslims like Bin Laden under the cover of their protection of “Bosnians”, just as this invasion of Europe is being done by these “Syrian” refugees.

    “Ethnic Cleansing evokes condemnation only when it is committed by Serbs, not against them.”

    Want to remove Kebab? Let’s start with the Pentagon.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      > Yes, the Pentagon and the State Department turned a blind eye to the infiltration of Bosnia with foreign muslim jihadists, because they just love promoting Wahhabi terrorism and general chaos all around the globe. It is the same script they have been running on for a long time now, fomenting ethnic conflict and race war since Wilson’s redrawing of the map of Europe, where minorities like Czechs and Poles were given free reign to persecute and ethnically cleanse Germans in their artificial fiefs, backed by American power.

      I believe this offhand. It fits the MO.

      > It’s the same shit, but the public doesn’t remember Yugoslavia very well.

      I figure only Boomers were of age at this time. Aside from the fuzziness of the Clinton years, they were probably still traumatized over turning 30.

      >Want to remove Kebab? Let’s start with the Pentagon.

      I am going to draw the line at discussing treason on here.

      • Heaviside says:

        The only treason here is being committed by that protection racket that just attacked France.

      • Heaviside says:

        All I’m saying is that Retire All Government Employees should be extended to the military and the intelligence community.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          Okay, I actually agree with that because military power and intelligence are scarce goods. But how do you reconcile this with your socialism, and how would this be holding anyone accountable? You don’t fire a traitor, you execute him.

      • Heaviside says:

        >You don’t fire a traitor, you execute him.

        This is my attempt at being moderate.

      • Heaviside says:

        >But how do you reconcile this with your socialism,

        Lenin was a pacifist, until he wasn’t.

        Lenin took control via a military coup. However, our military is becoming very top-heavy(as many organizations in terminal decline do, in order to prevent the lower ranks from too severely outnumbering the incompetent and corrupt leadership, just look at what has happened to our National Labs since their privatization. We already have more admirals than ships!), which makes that less feasible. Here are two options I don’t hear other people talk about much: try to elect an American Gorbachev who will manage the dissolution of the United States with as little chaos as possible, or form a Real American Government-In-Exile and seek diplomatic recognition from the PRC.

  2. Aeoli Pera says:

    >How insane are these people.

    At least as insane as Anonymous Conservative has been saying.

    > Be ready, as the same vermin were threatening to shoot the place up and I was the only one that did not cower in fear.

    That’s the way children talk when there are no consequences for it. But being a protected class will only protect you so far.

    >Here in the states they armed to the teeth (along with the police) and its gonna be a nightmare when the pot boils over.

    The name “America” shall be cursed. I wish I could weep for America-that-was, but I never knew it.

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