Technophrenology woes

Anonymous Conservative
Amazon’s Facial Recognition Tool Is Laden With Bugs

Do you think the government has this problem with its top tier facial recognition?

And why is Amazon getting into facial recognition?

My own assumption is, facial recognition is too powerful to let the plebes have it. Imagine if you could identify anyone around you instantly by their face.

Now imagine if the entire social structure was laden with spies gathering information on everyone. A competent facial recognition program would allow you to turn it loose on the internet, scrubbing for any old breadcrumbs about the people you cross paths with. Maybe an ancient high school friend had up a picture from decades back with a real name. Maybe you can effortlessly locate names and IDs of everyone you cross paths with. That is the start of a database. That could all be trouble.

So Amazon announces it will use its billions to seize the marketplace on facial recognition programs, and then it fills the niche with a defective product.

Another possibility is that there are many fewer distinct physiognomic profiles, as measured by low-resolution facial landmark analysis, than there are people in the population. So maybe one in one thousand people looks enough like Bob Ross to a computer to be positively ID’d as Bob Ross.

To wit,

You gotta keep in mind, America doesn’t have the huge pool of high-end mathematical talent it used to, much less that available to the Chinese. The two best predictors of lifelong virginity in the US are math degrees and church attendance, so the selection pressure is pretty strong.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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4 Responses to Technophrenology woes

  1. bicebicebice says:

    With smart glasses, custom graphic dlc, AI calculating the golden nose ratio, we will soon have the real deal.

  2. Jordy LaFrog Peterson's Fully Automated Mecha-Dragonslayer says:

    Yeah, I really don’t want freaking Skynet to know what I look like. Maybe near-infrared reflecting, optically transparent face-glitter will confuse their electro-mechanical eyes. People say that wearing face-glitter makes you gay, though, so be careful.

  3. Ø says:

    >Maybe near-infrared reflecting, optically transparent face-glitter will confuse their electro-mechanical eyes. People say that wearing face-glitter makes you gay, though, so be careful.

    It’s like the part in Predator where Arnold smears mud all over himself to avoid detection but more fabulous

  4. i_t says:

    The two best predictors of lifelong virginity in the US are math degrees and church attendance

    I would have bet on philosophy degrees :))

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