How to Live Your Life During the End of the World

I said in a comment that “The great strength of neurotypicals is that they can adjust their belief systems very quickly when they are motivated to do so. They accommodate (or “process”) much faster than we do, hence the aspie tendency to prefer assimilation whenever possible.”

What follows is an example of what happens when a melonhead takes the black pill (NB: MM doesn’t believe in melonheads ‘n sheeit). This post is based on a school paper he wrote based on some of my best material, which is great for my ego—the best compliment you can pay to an artist is “I see that everywhere now”. But he deliberately dumbed down the writing style so pretentious intellectuals would hate it and young people with something to gain by the ideas would like it.

How to Live Your Life During the End of the World

The human race is set on an inexorable course towards its destruction or transformation. Each step we take closer to our demise is ignorantly heralded as a great triumph of some kind (IE- those celebrating the falling birthrates of the first world).

The technology you were sold to simplify your life and to make you happier and more
productive has instead enslaved you to inescapable entertainment, surveillance, and skyrocketing social isolation and unhappiness (Read this book). Simultaneously, our culture has become rotten to the core and our families are falling apart. Hell, the divorce rate is now dropping because of how few people are getting married!

Most children in the US are now being born out of wedlock, and 41 percent of the children in the US do not live with both parents (link). Materialism and status anxiety have become the new religions.

An entire generation has been suckered into going into massive and unforgivable debt to receive college degrees, sacrificing their economic mobility in the process (The amount of student debt in 2017 was 1.3 trillion dollars (Friedman). The average millennial makes between 30 to 35 thousand dollars a year (Elkins). The average millennial has only a pathetic 2,430 dollars saved! (Leonhardt).)

Suicide has become the 2nd leading cause of death among teenagers in the United
States (Population Reference Bureau).

Currently, 1 in 3 women will take antidepressants at some point in their lives (by the way, it is perfectly legal to do so while pregnant because our medical system is a clown world joke owned by pharmaceutical companies. And what of these chemicals’ effects on animals, or the effects on other humans in areas where drinking water is not properly filtered? Insanity!) (Brown).

Our society is fucked, and we are not even close to hitting bottom yet.

He goes through the three possible responses a person can take to this, then concludes…

I have come to the conclusion that society will continue on the path of acquisition and narcissism, because people are stupid and there is no reason to think the insanity of “more, more, MORE!” will soon stop for society at large (Save a temporary recession.
We might get really lucky, in terms of the long run, and a solar flare will wipe out the power grid, but I can’t condone that since nobody even knows how to grow their own food. It’d turn into “The Road” pretty quickly). And, during this period of consumption, narcissism, and entertainment it is likely that a section of humanity will take the path of the black sun, merge with machines, and try to become gods.

Both of these ways of existing are horrible and disgusting. So, I will finally talk about the path I believe to be the right one. The human path (Call it something else if the name is repulsive. I can’t think of a better ‘neutral’ term).

I have not figured out the human path completely, but the most important stuff is clear
and intuitive. The core of what makes life worth living: deep connections with family and friends (which means a significant amount of time must be spent with them!), being your true self and not wearing a persona, helping and making sacrifices for others (in your immediate group of people who you care about and whom care about you. It’s amazing how many people only care when it is sending money to the far side of the world, or better yet getting the government to spend someone else’s money. This is because they don’t actually care, they are simply narcissists that want the pleasure of the title of “good person”), exercise (both cardiovascular and weight training), health in general, consumption of great art (not mere entertainment), creation of great art (if one so desires), spending time in nature, minimizing the use of what should be called “dissociative technology” (texting, social media, computers in general), acting in accordance with one’s natural morality and religious tenets (not to say that one should just trust their gut at all, simply that if you feel that something is wrong, and it makes sense that it is wrong, you should not do it) and the doing of anything else one enjoys that is not destructive or that hurts yourself or others in any significant way. Along with this core, I believe that one should aim to buy few things so that whatever job you may have can easily support your life and you can save money and invest it if you wish. It also seems important to never sell anything that you do not consider actually useful.

Reducing cognitive dissonance is a key of the human path. You must become a congruent person!
Branching out from this core, it seems important to form a like-minded community of people who share these values, and in the long run to aim for the creation of a “breakaway civilization” that is actually functional and where humans don’t feel the need to kill themselves in droves (future technology may make this possible, so mentioning it is not as “pie-in-the-sky” as it may seem) sort of like the Amish but without throwing out tech (just minimizing that which makes people unhappy. Screen time, pretty much).

This paragraph may not be clear or detailed enough, but you almost surely can tell exactly what I’m getting at with all this, right? Humans need families, and tribes, and purpose, and health, and goodness, and exercise, and being a part of a culture that is something beyond burgers, porn, sugar, drugs, bureaucracy, consumption, narcissism, lies, and greed.

I want something more!

And I will do all that I can to get it.

Not bad.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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13 Responses to How to Live Your Life During the End of the World

  1. wpadmin777 says:

    Nice. Any you neandergoys thought about getting on JFG’s channel or something similar to spread the work? I think it would be worth it. You’re more than intelligent enough to explicate the ideas and they make fantastic autism porn.

  2. wpadmin777 says:

    Additionally, it’d be a shame to see them remain in our autistic echo chamber.

  3. Obadiah says:

    I like the post, but I don’t understand why he (apparently) doesn’t believe in craniology/Edenism/melonboons. If you buy genetics you buy race, and if you buy race there’s no reason not to buy its autistically-granular maximum.

    Whether you accept edenic phrenology as valid is one matter; whether you *supervaluate* edenic phrenology is quite another (if you supervaluate edenic phrenology then we may as well all be predestined vegetable-plant organisms with no free will–just like if you supervaluate muh enlightened liberalism there’s no reason not to just drop everything, move to san francisco and revert to an animal state until your physical body expires. There is no One Ring; the ‘Ethos of the Blog’ proves itself true).

  4. Obadiah says:

    >if you supervaluate edenic phrenology then we may as well all be predestined vegetable-plant organisms with no free will–just like if you supervaluate muh enlightened liberalism there’s no reason not to just drop everything, move to san francisco and revert to an animal state until your physical body expires

    Ahriman turns you into a vegetable; Lucifer turns you into an animal; the Christ Consciousness is a balanced diet of meat and veggies

  5. bicebicebice says:

    “I like the post, but I don’t understand why he (apparently) doesn’t believe in craniology/Edenism/melonboons. If you buy genetics you buy race, and if you buy race there’s no reason not to buy its autistically-granular maximum.”

    resistance to thatz melons are better than others by virtue of denying they are better than others (fraternity egality liberty) and that groids should just go to public school to learn to be melons which does not exist. itz a paradox

    the memes write themselves

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >resistance to thatz melons are better than others by virtue of denying they are better than others (fraternity egality liberty) and that groids should just go to public school to learn to be melons which does not exist. itz a paradox

      All he has to do now is give all his riches to the poor and follow Jesus.

  6. Schrödinger's Psych Evaluation says:

    >Nice. Any you neandergoys thought about getting on JFG’s channel or something similar to spread the work? I think it would be worth it. You’re more than intelligent enough to explicate the ideas and they make fantastic autism porn.

    I doubt that Gene Frankoyce would be willing to do a show on Edenism. That being said, I know of one guy who might eventually want to discuss it on his podcast at some point in the future. Maybe. If Aeoli asks, the information shall be provided.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >I doubt that Gene Frankoyce would be willing to do a show on Edenism. That being said, I know of one guy who might eventually want to discuss it on his podcast at some point in the future. Maybe. If Aeoli asks, the information shall be provided.

      Now isn’t a good time because I barely have time and energy to put out shitposts (Apocalypse Now pt. 2 when?), but maybe in the future. I think it would be more helpful to compile existing information into something other than an incoherent mess, which is something else I don’t have time or energy for right now.

  7. wpadmin777 says:

    >I doubt that Gene Frankoyce would be willing to do a show on Edenism. That being said, I know of one guy who might eventually want to discuss it on his podcast at some point in the future. Maybe. If Aeoli asks, the information shall be provided.

    Jean likes anyone with a high IQ, interesting ideas, and the ability to defend those ideas. I know that as I have had significant correspondence with JF over the last year. Aeoli has the ability to both present and defend the ideas of the neandersphere. A show with JF would bring more traffic and attention to both da blergh and the ideas. That would truly benefit Aeoli and give this blog more attention — which is something it dearly needs. Seriously, there is a lot of profound writing here that has changed not only my life but the lives of many others. If it wasn’t for Aeoli, I’d still be a fucking NEET instead of a casually employed Autiste, with zero baseline internal motivation, grinding through a chem degree.

    Get the idees on ze pooblique spayce, Aeoli! :DD

  8. wpadmin777 says:

    >I think it would be more helpful to compile existing information into something other than an incoherent mess, which is something else I don’t have time or energy for right now.
    You’d still need to find a way to popularise it if you want enough people to take it into good consideration. No one has done that yet. Most of us are too autistic to just go ahead and do it — but it should be done.

  9. Schrödinger's Psych Evaluation says:


    >I think it would be more helpful to compile existing information into something other than an incoherent mess, which is something else I don’t have time or energy for right now.

    If you need any Edenistical information sorted into neat little rows, let me know.

  10. Julian says:

    >Jean likes anyone with a high IQ, interesting ideas, and the ability to defend those ideas.

    If he’ll have the orb guy on, surely he’ll have someone to represent we wuz neanderthals. On an unrelated but interesting note, JF has significant basque ancestry but below average neanderthal inheritance, at least according to his 23andMe results.

  11. Schrödinger's Psych Evaluation says:

    >JF has significant basque ancestry but below average neanderthal inheritance, at least according to his 23andMe results.

    JF, in spite of the autism, seems to have a melon personality. The hair and the headphones make it difficult to see the back of his head, but his face looks owly to me. Maybe he’s a TM?

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