Automation in general and autonomous vehicles in particular

I’m generally in favor of more and better tools and higher individual productivity by leveraging these tools. However, it’s the explicit policy of global Zionist elites to support automation as part of their mass depopulation efforts and afterward part of their plan to enslave the surviving remainder of humanity, having weakened them through dysgenics and habitual uselessness. It would be irresponsible to ignore this motivation of the financial interests behind e.g. the demand for autonomous vehicles, which is NOT demand from average consumers. We must expect that these interests will prefer:

1. Automation which dehumanizes and demoralizes those who work with it.
2. Automation which replaces and disemploys as many people as possible, preferably the higher functioning, socially competitive elements who would resist slavery.
3. Automation which is centrally owned, where the IP is proprietary and leased under usurious conditions (e.g. student loans, rent-to-own schemes), never free or truly owned by individuals.

Because automation is more or less inevitable in the medium term and entirely inevitable in the long term, we ought to prefer the opposites. Rather than technologies which dehumanize, demoralize, starve, enslave, enstupidate, and impoverish, we ought to prefer technologies which humanize, moralize, nourish, liberate, educate, and enrich other humans.

There is a notable caveat, similar to the ideal freedom of speech. When an ideal is used to destroy itself, such as when free speech used to subvert and destroy the institution of free speech, that indicates a philosophical weakness in the ideal. It is revealed to be less an absolute, metaphysical ideal good than a material virtue with associated economic costs and the possibility of overgeneralization into heretical religious fixations. The key is to recognize that the word “virtue” is synonymous with power. Therefore, as with other forms of virtue, we have a moral duty 1. develop automation technologies in general, and 2. restrict it in particular from use by criminal elements.

To wit, I support common sense Gundam control.


And that’s the main reason I oppose the development of autonomous vehicles.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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16 Responses to Automation in general and autonomous vehicles in particular

  1. bicebicebice says:

    >be 56 IQ cannibal rapist headhunter
    >manage to survive and thrive on papa new guinea with a surprising amount of difference between tribes lets be nice and call it culture


    >be 200 IQ neanderboon
    >basically the same thing just less cannibalism and rape

    so whom is this “high IQ” tech for? stupid people? smart people? people benefiting from it right now are NEET-hikikomori-modernmonks that game 16 hours per day and the nueovo-“elite” and their control everything complex. along with yours truly-Nobilid.

    the average schmuck is just less happy;

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      MM pointed out to me last night that the real black pill is we’re living in a utopia and everybody’s in extremist political groups or on antipsychotics and antidepressants.

  2. Obadiah says:

    Even the common man enjoys a level of material luxury, quality food and entertainment that only kangz had access to in previous ages–but at the same time we’re spiritual deadened, morally degenerate and slowly being ruderalized and genetically replaced.

    We’re living in a “dystopian utopia”.

  3. Schrödinger's Psych Evaluation says:


    Sounds like MM has a point. Unless our resource-extracting capabilities continue to improve, the utopia probably isn’t sustainable, though. Knowing how to make nifty gadgets and how to manipulate the currency won’t save us if we run out of profitably accessible raw materials.

    And I still encounter members of the Cult of Boundless Growth on a regular basis! WHAT GIVES?! I mean, I haven’t heard about any actually existing asteroid mines lately.

  4. Fox says:

    “Even the common man enjoys a level of material luxury, quality food and entertainment that only kangz had access to in previous ages”
    Junk food and junk consumer goods are cheap and available in great quantities today, but finding something that really has quality is hard to nigh impossible.
    Electronic entertainment is ubiquitous, but most of it is so bad, dumbed-down and ideology-infected that any sane man should limit his exposure to it.
    People in previous ages were largely rural, and enjoyed far lower population densities than today. They had big houses, their own land (on which they could basically do anything they wanted), own flocks, own woods. They could see the stars at night and could nap at midday without having to hear the roaring of thousands of cars or dozens of plains or trains.

  5. aiaslives says:

    I think it’s dystopian because there are too many unfinished projects — everything werks but only for so much and so long before improvamentation kicks in for the next “it just werks” status report.

    Everyone’s waiting for *someone* to finish something completely, but it never really happens. The larger the number of incomplete projects in your vincinity, the greater this collective anxiety is.

  6. Someone else says:

    Whenever automation comes up, assume it can be automated with a checklist.
    The problem is that computers are amoral.
    Like CS Lewis described, a moral choice isn’t between good and evil. It’s always the choice between two greater goods or two lesser evils.
    Computers perceive very well with the sensors they are given; but, cannot judge context.
    At the same time we are on the cusp of a world where universal automation is possible; we have a social and education system that is crippling our moral sense.

    Example is abortion debate is about choosing the greater good of freedom/forgiveness from past sin and life. Where are the cognitve tools to even have this public debate?

    Another example is a delivery truck parked in the right hand lane at a corner where you want to make a right hand turn. The law says you have to make the turn from the right lane. The moral conundrum is the greater good of flooring the law and waiting behind the delivery truck for hours or breaking the law to get to work on time. This on the surface is a logical choice; but it is really a moral one that a computer will never be equipped to handle.

  7. Aeoli Pera says:

    If I may summarize and extend the points of Obadiah, Fox, et al:

    Men prefer to be degenerates, and will only rise to brother-love, neighbor-love, etc. insofar as it’s necessary for immediate survival. Insofar as we see more of this behavior in a population over time, it may be explained as momentum from this same genetic-cultural survival instinct from memories of a harsh time. E.g. Neanderthal genetics.

  8. Aeoli Pera says:

    That is, if you live on a mountain top it’s because your ancestors were driven there by floodwaters.

  9. Aeoli Pera says:

    >The problem is that computers are amoral.
    Like CS Lewis described, a moral choice isn’t between good and evil. It’s always the choice between two greater goods or two lesser evils.
    Computers perceive very well with the sensors they are given; but, cannot judge context.

    Precisely. Elites hope to bridge this gap with machine learning but they’re only kicking the prime mover can down the road a bit.

  10. bicebicebice says:

    “WE says;
    current day current pm/am”

    high IQ, anything above animal intelligence, which you need to make tech, is alien to sapes, it makes them miserable. the person that suffers the most in this Xtopia is the thard, caught in between the sape and the Kavemensch. Guess we need gene therapy for these poor sods or summat.
    Single mother with absent father (mentally absent if he is present see japan), seems to create thards in abundance. The ironiy is you can increase the number of males on the planet with this simple neet trick because they have no violent instincts, only in the digital world. “but they don’t breed”, no Chad breeds them, chad do 1 roastie per day, thats one neet per day, that is the sperm of the dominant male dying out as a modern monk, but with such a spread, there will be some chads say 5 out of 100 the 95 res being neets, creating a really twisted breeding cycle but still.
    the traditional family unit with male and female roles has completely broken down yet there are 8 billion people on earth. Or it reversed back to normal, animal…
    Even if reversed (1950 americana or 1850 england), plenty women get sperm-donors which is the same thing in less scale, for now.’

    TLDR: sapes are animals, high IQ is alien, hilarity ensues. Stash tech for the ITZ, get a treestump-vault, take the Nobilid way or the honk pill, don’t be a thard.

    “Precisely. Elites hope to bridge this gap with machine learning but they’re only kicking the prime mover can down the road a bit.” poetic

  11. Someone Else says:

    “Precisely. Elites hope to bridge this gap with machine learning but they’re only kicking the prime mover can down the road a bit.” Agreed. Also note it will fail because they don’t know what they are trying to teach with machine learning.

    This is fundamentally the answer to ” what do we do about all these people”. Put them to work on moral choices.

    “But people are moral retards!”-Bice loosly.

    If there was only some sort of organization that focused on moral reasoning…DEUS VULT!

  12. Obadiah says:

    >If there was only some sort of organization that focused on moral reasoning…DEUS VULT!

    Didn’t you go to collij, walk along the graduation platform in your initiate-robe and get handed your magic priest-scroll for successfully absorbing and reciting the holy doctrine of equalism to your enlightened high priests professors?

  13. Schrödinger's Psych Evaluation says:

    >>Computers perceive very well with the sensors they are given; but, cannot judge context.
    >Precisely. Elites hope to bridge this gap with machine learning but they’re only kicking the prime mover can down the road a bit.

    Yeah, in that case, the machines would be learning to emulate human behavior and rule-interpretation using many measurements of human action. It’s kinda like how Tay learned to emulate racist internet trolls without any real understanding of deliberately inflammatory post-ironic racialism.

  14. bicebicebice says:

    “Schrödinger’s Psych Evaluation says:
    May 7, 2019 at 9:22 pm
    It’s kinda like how Tay learned to emulate racist internet trolls without any real understanding of deliberately inflammatory post-ironic racialism.”

    then you get the lolocaust, as in, once again, the normie is the source of the shitpost caricature meme, where in israel recently they have taken up the tradition to stop the country for two minutes so everybody can remember the 6 million (this is the modern jew-messiah, something that didn’t happen and the question if itz a problem or not (want something like that to be real or just boogieman for children+everybody? somebody call child welfare on the entire country!).

    to keep some consistency in one place (yeah I know..):

    “Schrödinger’s Psych Evaluation says:
    May 7, 2019 at 10:03 pm
    >Anyway I only accept criticism in the form of new YouTube channels.

    Do Vimeo channels count?

    Anyway, what do you guys think? Do the Sawi look like Denisovesque proto-melons? Some of them have arch-melon frontals. I also see a few dual-backs.”

    “If there was only some sort of organization that focused on moral reasoning…” and

    “Mhb says:
    May 8, 2019 at 10:08 am
    “It’s very alien psychology”
    I don’t know about very alien, you could see a form of this in usury with much of the devastating effect . Eating someone vs ruining someone life and there family perpetually .
    People advance,however method change but not the concept behind them .”

    Here we get the questions; will they emulate good, for goodness sake not knowing good but the peace is kept? or are these people reduced to their evil essence, groided kavemensch where extreme selfishness is the winnar (because biological survival)?!?
    This is why I rag on about homo erectus, not even he behaves this way in afreaka aka more trustworthy.

    I would never trust these “converts” myself, creating a bigger society on good foundations just increase the potential pray in the long run aka sapes gonna sapes beavers build dams and jews gonna jew “you knew damn well i was a cannibal rapist headhunter all along before you let me in into eden”. This is how melonboons end up getting eaten you know.

    Which ties in with my comment about muh sapes sad because technology. ITZ alien to them, high IQ entertainment is alien. They are so retarded they can’t even play videogames (not that games haven’t been anything since gambling for the last decade but still).

    Mass depopulation doesn’t require dead people, they can exist as 88 billion golems or 88 billion thards, staring, or, (“best case scenario”) interacting with a screen generating heat.

    So again I guess “Precisely. Elites hope to bridge this gap with machine learning but they’re only kicking the prime mover can down the road a bit.”, what isn’t going to make a sape happy, is a machine telling him he is a retarded monkey in manpants (while the kavemensch laugh at him for being a retarded monkey in manpants que world war sape (get your vault).

    I myself have no problem with the new technology, and the bad technology well I understand the curiosity of the human psyche to do everything at least once, then they lose interest and move on.

    “And that’s the main reason I oppose the development of autonomous vehicles.” sapes are offended that cars exist at all, they want to be the car, the “better” cars get, they more they get deprived of the chance of being the car for their masters. Autonomy is the operative word which they fear more than anything, sort of like a sape retiring after 40 years of toil to muh-freedumbs then hangs himself the second day because he didn’t actually like being free and going fishing by himself.

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