Where Charlton and I ultimately differ

For example; it is recognized among his supporters that President Trump has been – for more than four years – surrounded by incompetents and traitors to his cause. 

Opinion is divided as to whether this was Trump’s fault, because of his own incompetence at choosing his team – and those who regard it as evidence of the deceptiveness and depth of the deep state/ Establishment, and their capacity for control or sabotage. 

What I have not seen suggested is that there are actually zero competent and honest people available at all, anywhere

Yet, that is what I believe to be the case – extrapolating from my inside experiences with science, academia and health services; and observing what the powers-that-be actually Do (while ignoring what they say). 

The are No Good Men*. 


The root of all our differences, which has driven Charlton to self-imposed lunacy, is his essentialist view of history: he believes the situation today is historically unprecedented because the Bible was just exaggerating.

None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.

This was written at perhaps the highest point of Israel’s history, King David’s reign. David walked with God personally, was literally a “chosen one” secret king (etc.), led Israel into its brief golden age, and he still lamented that mankind was hopelessly corrupt at its very core. Because Charlton’s social epistasis-mediated normie despair has driven him to finally look at the world honestly, he’s rediscovered what David saw at the best of times: men are hopelessly corrupt at the cores of their being.

But normies want to imagine there’s a normie utopia out there if only they can find their Lost Tribe of True Israelite indigo children with pure, pneumatic souls who never did anything wrong (and if they did, their mistake was being too pure of heart). So if they discover that the Bible is more than just a fairy tale book to give nice people an excuse for weekly social gatherings, and it actually says helpful shit for understanding humanity, they disbelieve it. Surely, surely my Lost Tribe is out there waiting to accept me into their nonjudgmental perfectly loving arms. If not, then surely, surely I am the Last of the Pneumatic Mohicans.

So he makes up this shit about how all the souls alive today were put here to be damned because they were ugly, disgusting, subhuman souls to begin with. Yes, people appear to be disgusting animals today not because a climate of social epistatic toxicity makes him feel alienated from their animal incarnations, but because their tainted hylic non-souls deserved damnation from the moment of their ugly creation. This is ultimately because normies only have two settings: happy and genocidal. Put five unhappy normies in the same room and let them realize “unhappy is normal” and the brakes come off and they all retvrn to monke, reinvent Africa, and firebomb cities full of disgusting hylic civilians until the feeling of alienation is forgotten in the bloodlust. Every time I see a Joker meme I hear a monkey howling in horror and ecstasy, anticipating the drums which herald the big Bongo Bongo party.

I really like the symbolism of this boss fight. If you don’t look at it with the Lens of Truth equipped it slaps you around and then runs you over, but even with the Lens equipped it’s a “shadow dance” game of distance and timing.

The correct view, for a Christian, is to see that these zombiefied humans are essentially the same mindless idiots as during so many other genetic apocalypses in history, but they’re under genetic and systemic pressures to be as shitty as possible, and it feels shitty to hang out around a bunch of mindlessly shitty people. And since genetic and systemic pressures are real, concrete things that can change over time, Christians should be asking ourselves for serenity to accept the things we can’t change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

But your brain’s default, childish setting is to cope until forcefully rescued by an adult. You have to decide to solve your problems before it will let you see them. At the moment you realize no one is coming to the rescue and take the responsibility on yourself you’ll be a man, fated to be a leader among men, and lonely. To be a normie is to choose to remain a child, which is why all women are NPCs and why NPCs have no brakes on their use of force. Do children use controlled force when they’re upset? No, it’s just that they’re normally too weak to do much damage, or they’re scared of dad getting angry with them.

See also: Ender’s Game.

Don’t remain a child. You don’t have the luxury. Some adults will survive the years of war and genocide ahead, but the children won’t. They never survive the business end of a genocide. This is also not a historical aberration, it would be an essential change if they did survive and I’d have to become a historical essentialist to explain it.

If you thought the truth would wake people up, then I’ve got news for you: they did. Everybody knows Epstein’s suicide, masks, elections, stonks, and white supremacist terrorism are fake. Everybody. That’s all normie-tier shit now. They’re plenty awake and they still aren’t gonna do shit because they think it’s not their job. They’re coping and waiting for dad to rescue them. People don’t need to wake up, they need to GROW UP.

If you wait too long I guarantee you, 100% certainty, you’re going to die a miserable, painful death during the genocide. There’s a spreadsheet out there with your name, birthday, and ethnicity on it, and the people keeping that list up to date are working hard to make sure everyone on it dies an unnatural death in the next ten years.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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16 Responses to Where Charlton and I ultimately differ

  1. LOADED says:

    I dunno man the more experiences I accumulate in this terribly corrupt world the more I reason that Charlton would be right. But hey everything is subjective. No one can enter my mind and tell me what im truly thinking and i cannot enter the mind of another. for this i say we cherish communication for it bridges the gap in our suffering.

    if he is being authentic with himself and the world let him be for he knows not what you do Aeoli.

  2. Agree 100% however you have listed no solid courses of action. Anything aside from extremely small time will be turned into a federal sting immediately.

    Please let me know what I have missed
    1. Debt free
    2. Physical fitness
    3. Weapons and ammo
    4. Water gathering and purification
    5. Food gathering and growing
    6. Some form of livestock
    7. Next door neighbor buy in

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      Shelter, heat source? (or cold, depending on climate), communications (e.g. Ham radio, internet backup), children, education and propaganda material for the wife, children and yourself, community, first aid tools, medical training (but community can help there), culture, entertainment, an export for buying foreign aid, foreign language skills (Mandarin looks the most likely).

      Honestly I could go on for some time. The main thing is to be around resilient and resourceful people.

  3. Abelard Lindsey says:

    There is not a lot I agree with Charlton on, given that I am a Heinlein libertarian and he a Christian conservative. However, he is 100% spot on that there are NO competent people in the institutions and professions he mentions; academia, science, medicine, law, etc. His observation reflects the personal experiences of myself and my network of friends and contacts.

  4. bumble says:

    The psalms are 99% prophesy, and the reign of David was a time when Israel was ruled by a righteous and just King, and so Israel was blessed, it won wars, was righteous as a nation. https://biblehub.com/2_samuel/8-15.htm see the cross-references

    The times spoken of in the verses you quoted are a double prophesy, foretelling the first fall of Jerusalem to Babylon, and to current times.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >The psalms are 99% prophesy

      No they aren’t, don’t make stuff up.

      • bumble says:


        Psalm 2 is just one example, all about Christ, nothing to do with David. And that’s number 2 in the list, I could list a hundred plus with prophesies either fulfilled or yet to be fulfilled, or double prophesies.

        One more, Psalm 14, at a time when David was secure, and was winning all his battles, as God was with them….

        Will the workers of iniquity never learn?

        They devour my people like bread;

        they refuse to call upon the LORD.

        5There they are, overwhelmed with dread,

        for God is in the company of the righteous.

        6You sinners frustrate the plans of the oppressed,

        yet the LORD is their shelter. ‘

        God’s people were not being devoured by the ‘workers of iniquity’ in David’s time as King, that came later on, ergo a prophesy.

        Go on then, one more, Psalm 27:

        Though my father and mother forsake me,

        the LORD will receive me.

        11Teach me Your way, O LORD,

        and lead me on a level path,

        because of my oppressors.

        12Do not hand me over to the will of my foes,

        for false witnesses rise up against me,

        breathing out violence. ‘

        David’s parents didn’t forsake him, nor did he suffer with false witnesses (not once he was king and Saul was dead), so it’s prophetic.

        Go check a few, it’s obvious. Psalm 80…

        O LORD God of Hosts,

        how long will Your anger smolder

        against the prayers of Your people?

        5You fed them with the bread of tears

        and made them drink the full measure of their tears.

        6You make us contend with our neighbors;

        our enemies mock us.

        7Restore us, O God of Hosts,

        and cause Your face to shine upon us,

        that we may be saved. ‘

        God wasn’t angry with Israel when David was King, He was with them.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          Is there any sense in arguing with you? You’re quite clearly a fool with great confidence in your folly, and your experiences haven’t cured you of either yet. What chance do my words stand in comparison?

          • bumble says:

            No sense in arguiing with me at all, as I am correct. There is even a psalm that propheises of the Babyloian exile ffs…

            By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept

            when we remembered Zion.

            2There on the willowsa

            we hung our harps,

            3for there our captors requested a song;

            our tormentors demanded songs of joy:

            “Sing us a song of Zion.”

            4How can we sing a song of the LORD

            in a foreign land?

            5If I forget you, O Jerusalem,

            may my right hand cease to function.

            6May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth

            if I do not remember you,

            if I do not exalt Jerusalem

            as my greatest joy!

            7Remember, O LORD,

            the sons of Edom on the day Jerusalem fell:

            “Destroy it,” they said,

            “tear it down to its foundations!”

            8O Daughter of Babylon,

            doomed to destruction,

            blessed is he who repays you

            as you have done to us.

            9Blessed is he who seizes your infants

            and dashes them against the rocks.

        • Aeoli Pera says:

          I was just thinking earlier today there’s no sense in saying anything to the sort of person who’ll go into the weeds on purpose to miss the point. “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the back of fools.”

  5. Obadiah says:

    But normies want to imagine there’s a normie utopia out there if only they can find their Lost Tribe of True Israelite indigo children with pure, pneumatic souls who never did anything wrong (and if they did, their mistake was being too pure of heart). So if they discover that the Bible is more than just a fairy tale book to give nice people an excuse for weekly social gatherings, and it actually says helpful shit for understanding humanity, they disbelieve it. Surely, surely my Lost Tribe is out there waiting to accept me into their nonjudgmental perfectly loving arms. If not, then surely, surely I am the Last of the Pneumatic Mohicans.


    Normies R the Real Edenists

  6. Pingback: Melon magic = Behelit as Spectacle? | Aeoli Pera

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