Reinventing normal, self-help for the new underclass

There’s a philosophical divide on the quality of “responsiveness” that I described in the previous post, evaluating whether it’s a virtue to be cultivated or a vice to be mercilessly crushed in favor of the ability to deep focus. It’s godly to sperg out on topics of great earthly importance and practical value which also refine the spirit, so I’ll start us off.

Most of the existing self-help literature is written for middle class people who are trying to achieve success, which Paul Fussell informs us means getting into the upper middle class (FYI that’s what would make your mom happy). So that’s been the traditional audience for self-help books. Unfortunately, that means some of the advice isn’t going to apply to the new underclass: overly intellectual white NEETs with no skills, experience, or social networks trying to break into the lower middle class. We can still keep about 80% of it (e.g. work hard, network—most good advice is good for everybody) but the aspirations, goals, and practical systems need to be adjusted for our situation. We shouldn’t be talking about how to become a highly paid consultant before we establish how to become a junior developer and survive the first five years of corporate life.

It’s foolish to suggest people should try to jump from Losers to Sociopaths when they haven’t even shown they’re cut out to be Clueless. Frankly, the middle class has it pretty good. Hell, they’re FAT! On their wives’ cooking, no less. (Admittedly fat and entitled wives, but White Children are White Children, and we have Le Chateau whereas most Clueless don’t.) If everyone here gets fat on corporate stress and largesse, we’ll have exceeded my wildest expectations. More likely, half of us will achieve a lower middle class lifestyle and the other half will die on the street of malnutrition, social anxiety, and crippling mental illnesses. Sad! But also true, and it’ll be worse if we don’t get serious about getting our shit together. We must become more normal than the normies, indeed, more normal than the platonic neurotypical himself.

We’ve all black-pilled before, so let’s turn that acquired realism into something good and constructive, like God intended. Deep focus is a virtue of content creators, reality-oriented Losers, and big men talking big money. The Clueless are none of these things. At the best of times, we are competent process operators. Let that sink in for a moment. We don’t make things in the West. We import goods made by Asian slave labor and sell spreadsheet entries to each other using software patched together by Indian hacks desperately pasting code fragments together from Yahoo Answers. Fuck your anarcho-capitalist ideals, we have to navigate the real-world economy in all its horrifying absurdity. That means cultivating the traits of the perfect bureaucrat.

See, things have changed since I went to college in the ’80s. Everything has gotten much more intense. You have to do much more now to get into a top school like Yale or West Point, and you have to start a lot earlier…

…So what I saw around me were great kids who had been trained to be world-class hoop jumpers. Any goal you set them, they could achieve. Any test you gave them, they could pass with flying colors. They were, as one of them put it herself, “excellent sheep.”

…That is exactly what places like Yale mean when they talk about training leaders. Educating people who make a big name for themselves in the world, people with impressive titles, people the university can brag about. People who make it to the top. People who can climb the greasy pole of whatever hierarchy they decide to attach themselves to.

Solitude and Leadership

This is what “success” looks like. Is this the way it should be? Of course not. It’s downright Luciferian, tbh fam. But I’ll tell you right now that following the orthodox advice to follow your passion and turn your hobbies into businesses are going to put you in an early grave, and ain’t nobody gonna give a shit. People who become doctors are “successful”, and between the distractions and 30-hour shifts they can barely read their checklists, much less solve problems or create value.

Note the adjectives: commonplace, ordinary, usual, common. There is nothing distinguished about this person. About the 10th time I read that passage, I realized it was a perfect description of the kind of person who tends to prosper in the bureaucratic environment. And the only reason I did is because it suddenly struck me that it was a perfect description of the head of the bureaucracy that I was part of, the chairman of my academic department—who had that exact same smile, like a shark, and that exact same ability to make you uneasy, like you were doing something wrong, only she wasn’t ever going to tell you what. Like the manager—and I’m sorry to say this, but like so many people you will meet as you negotiate the bureaucracy of the Army or for that matter of whatever institution you end up giving your talents to after the Army, whether it’s Microsoft or the World Bank or whatever—the head of my department had no genius for organizing or initiative or even order, no particular learning or intelligence, no distinguishing characteristics at all. Just the ability to keep the routine going, and beyond that, as Marlow says, her position had come to her—why?

That’s really the great mystery about bureaucracies. Why is it so often that the best people are stuck in the middle and the people who are running things—the leaders—are the mediocrities? Because excellence isn’t usually what gets you up the greasy pole. What gets you up is a talent for maneuvering. Kissing up to the people above you, kicking down to the people below you. Pleasing your teachers, pleasing your superiors, picking a powerful mentor and riding his coattails until it’s time to stab him in the back. Jumping through hoops. Getting along by going along. Being whatever other people want you to be, so that it finally comes to seem that, like the manager of the Central Station, you have nothing inside you at all. Not taking stupid risks like trying to change how things are done or question why they’re done. Just keeping the routine going.

This is what success looks like. It’s not about creating value, it’s about showing up and doing enough to meet expectations. I’m not saying you have to embrace the nihilistic void and become a monster to make money, fuck your waifu, and hatch a brood of neanderniglets. But I am saying that to achieve your vision, you have to sacrifice your ideals. Understanding the nobility of realism is one of those tricky paradoxes, like charity.

What it comes down to, in practical terms, is that you need a few years of experience, a professional network built from contacts around all those jobs, and a fancy certificate before anybody is gonna hire you for a contract job. But if you show up, operate your process faithfully, and take the lumps then you can go your own way and make some real $$$MONEY$$$ fixing the shit your old company broke.

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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102 Responses to Reinventing normal, self-help for the new underclass

  1. Koanic says:

    The responsiveness problem has already been solved by Tim Ferriss. Setup an email autoresponder informing people that you batch your emails. The autoresponder says if it’s urgent, call. If they don’t have your number, it’s not urgent. Start batching daily and work your way to once a week. If you can’t batch, work on becoming less enslaved. Or just test it and see whether your boss is angry or impressed. Your boss gets more email than you do.

    If you’re an omega, the next step up is to be a needy bitch gamma weaselling your way into being tolerated by some group. Then you can figure out how to balance your self respect and group respect. Or you can choose the omega path, like LaFond, and get used to fighting a lot.

    • Akuma says:

      “Or you can choose the omega path, like LaFond, and get used to fighting a lot.”

      Don’t you ever say that about Mr. Lafond. He’s Sigma to the bone. Any man that can walk 10+ miles in a day and still get laid is no way an Omega.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >The responsiveness problem has already been solved by Tim Ferriss. Setup an email autoresponder informing people that you batch your emails. The autoresponder says if it’s urgent, call. If they don’t have your number, it’s not urgent.

      This is one of those *sometimes* good ideas that can backfire on a sperg if it’s not situationally appropriate. Such a system tells people you think you’re more important than them, which is one of the cardinal sins unless you have RANK to justify it. An intern cannot use “busy” as an excuse, but corner office man can.

      >If you’re an omega, the next step up is to be a needy bitch gamma weaselling your way into being tolerated by some group.

      I’m pretty sure that’s not a necessary step. You can go straight to Delta.

      >Then you can figure out how to balance your self respect and group respect. Or you can choose the omega path, like LaFond, and get used to fighting a lot.

      This is essentially what I’m arguing is the less-efficient path for getting average NEETs out of Mom’s basement. It may be possible for some to go straight to overpaid consultant, if they have some kind of overwhelming leverage to exploit (muh jenious), but I don’t think it’s a good idea to encourage every nigger to follow his dream to become a rapper.

  2. Akuma says:

    “This is what success looks like. It’s not about creating value, it’s about showing up and doing enough to meet expectations.”

    “But I am saying that to achieve your vision, you have to sacrifice your ideals.”

    Push ups and Air squats at your standing desk while your waiting for commands to run is far better. Plus you can see over the cube walls and spot the active shooter faster.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Push ups and Air squats at your standing desk while your waiting for commands to run is far better. Plus you can see over the cube walls and spot the active shooter faster.

      Don’t do this, it’s weird and you will get fired for being weird.

      • Akuma (After 21 hours awake and 3 hour power nap) says:

        I don’t care, as I’ve already done and retrofitted my machine with redshift. I’m a certified Cross fit L1 Trainer as well and got a Dr’s note for blue blockers. That means there’s weight behind my words. I also got an A in Anatomy and Physiology. Their normalness has no power over me and they look like a fool for simply calling me a childish name.

        It’d be like me calling Kratman a little drummer boy.

  3. Zoronn says:

    Last post oozed SlaveMind.

    For your supposed solution I see it as theoretical. Have you actually done this big transition to making the big $$$? Or is it a lure?

    A Thal with this strategy will always be working against self constantly no matter the nobility of your realism.

    Going down the same old path created by the same masters who annihilated you isn’t going to set you free. Is it?

    Why would it be different this time?

    I’d say step back and let this one breathe.

    • “Have you actually done this big transition to making the big $$$?”

      I don’t know what big money is, but I myself have gone from minimum wage / NEET to $100k+ in a few years. Networking, collecting experience as junior dev, contract programmer, more networking, Sociopath level-up. It can be done, albeit harder for some.

      • Aeoli Pera says:

        >I don’t know what big money is, but I myself have gone from minimum wage / NEET to $100k+ in a few years. Networking, collecting experience as junior dev, contract programmer, more networking, Sociopath level-up. It can be done, albeit harder for some.

        Possibly easier for me, but I’m not just addressing me in this post. I’m combating the arrogance of people saying you don’t need the junior dev. step in that progression, because muh sensitivity. I call bullshit on that. If a man isn’t fit to clean toilets he isn’t fit to do anything else.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Last post oozed SlaveMind.

      Makes sense, as I’m in ideological opposition to Nietzsche.

      >For your supposed solution I see it as theoretical. Have you actually done this big transition to making the big $$$?

      I’m confident enough to stake someone else’s life on it.

      >Or is it a lure?

      This question tells me a lot about how you view human relationships.

      >A Thal with this strategy will always be working against self constantly no matter the nobility of your realism.

      If we are being true to ourselves, then we are being false to the realities of the society we live in. That’s the whole point of Edenism. If the neanderthal weren’t an alien, he wouldn’t long for home, would he?

      >Going down the same old path created by the same masters who annihilated you isn’t going to set you free. Is it?

      I’m not going to argue with you about whether it’s a good idea to work or have money. That’s literal autism.

      >I’d say step back and let this one breathe.

      I expect this will surprise you, but I esteem your maturity a bit lower than you do.

  4. Edenist Whackjob says:

    “you need a few years of experience, a professional network built from contacts around all those jobs, and a fancy certificate before anybody is gonna hire you for a contract job”

    Not helpful. Limiting beliefs and melodrama < empowering empiricism and tactical mindset. Go have coffee with 10 contractors before making up stories.

  5. Aeoli, you need to get dilbertpilled and chadscend. These woe-is-me effortposts won’t cut it – takes away time from IQ-leveraged effort to win*, perpetuates Loser worldview. Sociopathy is light feeling and uses brain as tool to get shit done.

    For the record, the pyramid is not some linear ascent where you have to do x years as Clueless before – Clueless people started out Clueless and their rise to Sociopathy looks different. Separate evolutionary path. Don’t mistake linear organization for linear progression.

    * I want to see you create a spreadsheet with high-quality contacts in your area and aim to get to at least 100. This is the kind of thing proven to make your life take off. Get after it, bro! :)

    • * as Clueless before reaching end-goal

    • Are you idealizing sociopathy? That is revolting.

      • Aeoli Pera says:

        No, we’re using Sociopath in the economic sense defined by Venkatesh Rao in his article “The Gervais Principle”. That’s why I’ve been capitalizing it.

      • Sociopath = autonomous moral actor, not bound by helplessness scripts like Losers, not ruled by morality scripts like Clueless. Creates scripts for other. Read Gervais Principle by Venkatesh Rao. And I agree that it’s a bad term.

        • A Sociopath may be a good Sociopath – I believe Rao calls them Technocrats – in which case he uses his Sociopath script-autonomy to bring about a world that is better for everyone.

          • Akuma says:

            A sociopath is just someone falls outside cultural norms. It’s been convoluted and twisted to mean Charles Manson every time someone mentions it.

            Remember folks if you don’t love the niggers you are a sociopath. If the niggers don’t love you, you are just not being nice enough.

            • Akuma says:

              The lay usage of the term (Charles Manson) usually would better fit the norm or throwing it around. Think of a boomer cuck calling someone a sociopath. I bet if you looked closely at the boomer cuck life you’d find that they are just short of Charles Manson at an individual and civilizational level.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              I find Boomers easier to understand if I imagine they just did a bump of cocaine.

            • Pseudorandom Bypasser says:

              Someone (wink wink, nudge nudge) should disambiguate between aspie, schizoid and sociopathic disregard for social norms. They are clearly distinct but with some neurobiological, psychological and phenomenological overlap. Many to-be geniuses display properly antisocial behavior in their youth (John Carmack’s computer theft, for example).

              Also, I understand what you mean. I’ve been called one for lacking in expression and interpersonal warmth. Some hypersocial people with amygdala dysfunction have a loose border between being mildly bothered and crucifying someone for being a cold-blooded child murderer. Yes, often they are personally deranged and sadly in authority positions. Narcissists often have low stress tolerance and all kind of other mental hiccups.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              >Someone (wink wink, nudge nudge) should disambiguate between aspie, schizoid and sociopathic disregard for social norms. They are clearly distinct but with some neurobiological, psychological and phenomenological overlap. Many to-be geniuses display properly antisocial behavior in their youth (John Carmack’s computer theft, for example).

              That would be a good post. I’ll probably do that tomorrow.

              >Also, I understand what you mean. I’ve been called one for lacking in expression and interpersonal warmth.

              My dad asked me one time if I’m a sociopath. He’s not much of a reader so he must have watched one of those YouTubes where they try to give a balanced perspective rather than a clear one.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              >A sociopath is just someone falls outside cultural norms. It’s been convoluted and twisted to mean Charles Manson every time someone mentions it.

              That’s not precise enough. Sociopath comes from psychopath, comes from psychopathy, comes from psychopathology, which means mental distress. By extension, a sociopath would be someone who distresses society, which doesn’t describe all eccentrics.

            • Akuma says:


              That makes perfect sense.

    • Ugh, I should not use obscure NEET-fodder mental models like these – it only makes things worse.

      The only answer is to go out and collect your own data/meaning. Venkatesh’s pyramid is fodder for red-pill Clueless people.

      • You would think that “red-pill Clueless people” is an oxymoron. But the thing about being Clueless is that one can be Clueless and adhere to any system – the words are karmically neutral, existing only at the symbol level, not impelling any further action. Whereas with a Sociopath, information is energy, because it feeds into action.

      • Mycroft Jones says:

        True. Need to use the right models for your own particular level in the pyramid. Being raised working class, I have tics and tells that give me away. IQ may get you into middle class jobs, but working class behaviors and morality lose them for you just as quick.

        • bicebicebice says:

          Normies don’t like shitposts because they are the inspiration for the shitpost, its the behavior. There would be no WE or sjw-larp if those things were not already a side effect of their behavior, or as in todays world, their entire behavior. Normies are shitposts irl.

          This is very easy to emulate. But, imagine the nerdy kid picking up smoking to hang with the cool kids, he will be accepted as part of the gang but he will be the lowest rank. Are there easier ways to make friends? Imagine if he did this for a job.

          Everyday you go and smoke cigarettes for 8 hours… not only is it morally repulsive, but the behavior is actually toxic to your not only persona but entire being so the results should speak for themselves. I would not do that for a salary, any salary.
          If you are taking real world damage, you did not outsmart the system, you did not outsmart anything. You are operating at a deficiency and way worse off than before you started. Just give it time.

          But hey, you now have a job, a social life, a position in society, grown up problems, and other normie relatables that will help you “connect” with the soulless bugmen of our time. Im pretty sure anyone always has that by virtue of just being alive in a society in one way or another but apparently only a jerb will make that official. You just can’t go wrong as a blackpilled wagie in denial, WINNING!
          I don’t like this kind of unspoken reasoning along the lines of “heh 7 years and 30000 posts and 300000comments can only be made official by doing This otherwise you just spent time fooling around nobody learned anything from doing this did you even make one cent heh hurr durr blurr”. You know what I mean by this. Stop doing it.

          IF your behavior is because of your moral standing and vice versa, and you need to make that big sacrifce to dismantle both for the process of a certain job, chanches are you might start rationalizing socipathy as a virtue. Again, for money and jobs there are easier ways, make a budget for what you actually need, blackpilled conditiong will lead you to driving off a bridge with a trunk full of money that doesn’t mean anything to you because you outsmarted the system and everyone else is an unsuccessful idiot who were to lazy and refused to sacrife in order to WIN @ 300kmh per hour, unlike yourself who were reborn a WINNER and died an even bigger WINNER. How can losers even compete?!?

          And from a self help perspective, giving that kind of advice, I need not even comment on. Stay away from the jew lest you one day actually end up becoming what you larped as.

          I used to frequent a forum where this guy existed, a penchant for math and watching american psycho over 10000times, spergs just call it “my favorite movie, what do you mean i don’t watch anything else? im watching my favorite movie right now!” landed him a job as a trader in new york (from sweden). Six months later his older brother logged in on his account to tell people what had happened, thats nice and a courteous service á la 21 first century. The irony was that this was a bodybuilding forum.

          The jew fears the NEET, he does not fear the bluepilled wagecuck and the blackpilled wagie who “made it” is his plaything, for as long or short of a time period that they even exist, that is. It’s pretty much a one way trip to find out if you are cut out to be a psycho.

          Don’t deal with the jew, its not worth it.

          • I don’t know what all of that means.

            The goal is to return to freedom (ie what being a NEET offers), but with the ability to earn above-average market rates, and do so with as little damage to integrity as possible. Analysis of worthwhile high-IQ routes that optimize for freedom, integrity and high rates quickly lead one to conclude: contract programmer. There are further steps, but that’s not the 101 course anymore, so I don’t go there.

            • I have friends of mine completely working for home (or showing up at client for like 1 day per week) – charging $100+ / h, doing something interesting (non-crappy non-legacy code), generally enjoying life.

              There are levels beyond even that – which is what I’m attempting myself – but surely above description is a very nice sweet spot? Reachable within 2-4 years for someone of Aeoli’s caliber, I’m sure.

            • This guy keeps harping on “don’t do a startup, do a service-based business”.

              What is the best service-based business for someone with 140 IQ like Aeoli?


              – charge at least $100 / h after a few years
              – freedom to work from home
              – solid market that is not based on some random fluke right now

              Answer is pretty obvious to me…

              Sure, there are esoteric answers like “become a management consultant doing webinars on blockchain for the enterprise” or somesuch, but that’s injecting way more entropy than the simple answer of “contract programmer”.

            • Heaviside says:

              You don’t have to get paid $100 an hour if you have a lot of billable hours.

            • 140 billable hours on avg[1] * $100 * 9[2] = 126k

              Let’s say 30% tax on that + some costs for accountants, etc (let’s say $5k) and you’re at ~85k take-home money. Very sensical calculation if you ask me and very doable.

              [1] Average should be around 166 but sick days etc
              [2] 1 month vacation, 2 months looking for gigs per year

            • I guess you could get up 300-400 billable hours if you work yourself to death or have multiple clients at the same time (and they don’t notice / care about that). I’m just giving you what works from my experience.

            • Koanic says:

              Your insights are appreciated, fellow Whackjob.

          • glosoli says:

            As is always the case, I couldn’t put it better than bice.

            Wage slavery is soul-destroying for us. You will have to deal with the devil.

            Find a way out.

            The US is headed for hyperinflation within 15 years anyway, all your dollars will burn.

            Develop self sufficiency and a network of brothers.

            • glosoli says:

              I’d be open to franchising my business model, investment consultancy. Only for Christians.

              No costs, I’ll mentor you, you find your own clients.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              How much would you want your mentee to know about investing? I might be able to think of somebody…maybe I’ll start by listing regulars who are Christians (that I’m sure of) and then rank them by IQ, business savvy, and social savvy.

              Lizard King
              Mycroft Jones
              Mobius Wolf (pretty sure)
              Shibboleth (again, pretty sure)

              IQ, BQ, SQ (these are guesses)

              Koanic: +3.5 SD, +3 SD, -1 SD
              Aeoli: +2.5 SD, +1 SD, +1 SD
              glosoli: +2.5 SD, +3 SD, 0 SD
              Lizard King: +3 SD, ???, +2 SD
              bicebicebice: ???, +3 SD, ???
              Mycroft Jones: +2.5 SD, 0 SD, +2 SD
              Mobius Wolf: ???, ???, ???
              Shibboleth: maybe +2.5 SD, ???, -2 SD

            • bicebicebice says:

              “As is always the case, I couldn’t put it better than bice.” the means of getting the meaning aCross is the way of the nobilid, inb4 convaluted whine regarding wot´s. here is some more of the very same;

              “Develop self sufficiency and a network of brothers.” thats what we all try to do, now ill pretend to be whackjob, and, simply put: aeolis input would be greater in monetary terms (sozial sperg self help terms too? THIS TOPIC) had he included lots of ( { < yx true false and other offworld statements with his texts. And if you have 140 IQ, that is a very small step to make, so I agree with whackjob in a certain sense. In a sense, you could just copy everything previously done and just add those marker values for market value. I think that is the main point of the concern-whining. However;

              If you are really "artistic", you need an agent if you are doing any other labor than physically kneading dough and beating people up at the strip club. That means a consultant for your consulting services. "oh yeah well if you burn the wood it will make it resistant to everything" sure but not if it catches fire and burns up. Again for some people, finding that out can be a one way street. Many such cases. Sad!

              Another more straightforward example; hello you are effectively retarded and handicapped in a peddling-your.wares-to-normie-society.kind-of-way where the money is, now let me help you with that for a fee. But even this won't work if you think society should catch fire and burn up due to previous societal-experience, or maybe you are just one of those obersvant people who can see the west has been burning steadily since 1965 and just aren't very interested in burning up in the wreckage. That is prudent sure, then someone else might say "when it burns down it will grow back again and the service you didn't want for them we want from you and we are good people". Itz a mixed bag.

              One other thing, christianity devolves into krishtianity because its free. Free as I said insults people belittles and cheapens their brand persona and instead of doing noting they become anti what was adviced for free. Thats why the Mor(e)mon(ey)s wants your tithe.

              One last dickish speculation: One doller for every post made over the years. One cent of your doller to burden this Man with a comment. Would the state of concernagging be different? I believe so. When and where can I cash in my dollar for 100 comments? The others only get 50 for the same rate. Great way to cash in on MM's manic sprees.

              This is the Way of The Nobilid.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              Ever tried your hand at poetry? I think your brain has the makings of a great poet, but you’d have to remember to communicate too. Everybody likes profound, very few people enjoy solving a Rubik’s cube on every line.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              I won’t say you’re wrong, but I will say in most circumstances it’s better to clean toilets for minimum wage in the meantime than not. We can’t all make it big as rappers.

  6. Omarius Felonious Cuckisha Washington says:

    >”We must become more normal than the normies, indeed, more normal than the platonic neurotypical himself.”

    >Becoming the platonic neurotypical

    >Not becoming the platonic competitor

    Remember to thank Robert for dying for your sins

  7. Omarius Felonious Cuckisha Washington says:
  8. bicebicebice says:

    “Most of the existing self-help literature is written for middle class people who are trying to achieve success, which Paul Fussell informs us means getting into the upper middle class (FYI that’s what would make your mom happy).”

    Big if true.

    • Akuma says:

      It’s not that hard. Just kill your Telescreen, delete your Crack book, root your Android smart phone, and organize your place of residance according to geomancy.

      • Mycroft Jones says:

        Geomancy? Say more. References. Feng shui seems a bit obsessed with octagons, hope you mean something better than feng shui.

        • bicebicebice says:

          I think he is making fun of my previous color post, but it was actually funny, too. Would a melon be happy living in a tree stump? No, of course not.

        • Akuma says:

          Basically Feng Shui. Have things facing east. Take windows for example. Sun rises in the east place windows facing east and west and organize the rooms this way. That means no alarm clocks and your devices will be linked with the solar cycle (i.e. red lights will go on at time sun sets and switch when it rises)

          You can also get UV Filters for the windows so you can just go work in the tanning. Make the place end proof. Wire the place according to the set up of your land rather than just running the cable across the room.

          You could also have a chamber with crystals or rocks (Geomancy). There’s actually good science that this might actually have health effects.

          It was half joking too. The modern house is a very toxic environment.

          • Akuma says:

            *EMP and EMF Proof

          • Where can I read about those crystal chambers?

            • Akuma says:

              I’ll shoot you an email.

            • Akuma says:

              Email sent. The last time it took a year for you to respond to me. I understand you are a busy man and spam ate it, but a year, come on dude. I hope this time its much quicker. The girlfriend loved the long response time as it meant some special forces shit. We fucked after she read it so I didnt respond, and I forgot to because the sex was too good. However, we would get a lot farther if your responded as fast as possible.

            • Aeoli Pera says:

              You would also get a lot further by tailoring your messages to your intended audience.

            • Akuma says:


              I don’t have an audience. I’m a scientist. I’m guessing by tailoring you mean blogging. After the whole Swog debacle and drama I don’t want or need a blog unless it’s encrypted like fort knox.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Big if true.

      Heaviside, please back me up on this one. He’ll believe you.

  9. Son of Distant Trebizond says:

    You’re sperging, Aeoli. Specifically, you’re exhibiting pathological aspie bias 1:

    Two pathological aspie cognitive biases

    Having had a certain measure of success myself, and being intimately acquainted with certain people who are truly extraordinarily successful, I can assure you that you’re proposing an excellent way to squander your energy and burn out. You cannot expect to be effective after having suppressed the better half of yourself to autistically pursue mediocrity; if you make mediocrity your goal, you will fall short of even that. You’ll also die of some stress- induced vascular disease in late middle-age, miserable and riddled with regrets

    The extraordinary successful people I know are similar to you in many respects; they are intelligent and possess endogenous personalities. They have a deep understanding of human nature in groups, of hierarchy and psychology, and a near- supernatural ability to focus.

    Unlike you, they have learned to pragmatically direct their attributes to service their endogenously derived ambitions. They have a certain contempt for the thoughtless strivers; your ability to be analytical with respect to your life choices places you at great advantage over such people.

    Whackjob is absolutely correct. Don’t be fucking retarded, and FFS stop confusing statistical measures of mean life outcomes for entire populations with viable life goals. You’re far too perspicacious for this shit.

    • Ah, the fresh breath of sanity!

      Aeoli, listen to this guy.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >Having had a certain measure of success myself, and being intimately acquainted with certain people who are truly extraordinarily successful, I can assure you that you’re proposing an excellent way to squander your energy and burn out.

      I’m here in the first place because I burned out before. It happened because 1) I thought willpower could overcome any hardship, 2) I had zero understanding of humanity, and 3) I bit off more than I could chew. I’m not saying you have to be a wagecuck forever, just that you have to be a wagecuck until you don’t.

      >You cannot expect to be effective after having suppressed the better half of yourself to autistically pursue mediocrity;

      Not what I’m doing. If that were my goal, I would stop blogging and cease all involvement with Edenism, and that’s just not ever going to happen. I’ll wagecuck 8 to 5 because that means I live longer and more abundantly.

      >if you make mediocrity your goal, you will fall short of even that. You’ll also die of some stress- induced vascular disease in late middle-age, miserable and riddled with regrets

      You have no idea how much stress it takes off me to be making 42k rather than 20k. Zero idea. You could memorize all the social science and still not understand one bit.

      >The extraordinary successful people I know are similar to you in many respects; they are intelligent and possess endogenous personalities. They have a deep understanding of human nature in groups, of hierarchy and psychology, and a near- supernatural ability to focus.

      You give me too much credit here. I am intelligent/endogenous but my understanding of human nature is highly artificial/intellectualized and fails under pressure (luckily people tend to like me). I’m pathologically absent-minded, which still causes significant problems with simple tasks in my daily life.

      >Unlike you, they have learned to pragmatically direct their attributes to service their endogenously derived ambitions. They have a certain contempt for the thoughtless strivers; your ability to be analytical with respect to your life choices places you at great advantage over such people.

      I’ve acquired some of the traits of a high-IQ, highly perceptive superstar (e.g. Cal Newport), but it would be a mistake to classify me as such. My endogenous ambition is less than zero, hence the use of habit chains and paradigm shifts rather than willpower.

      >Whackjob is absolutely correct. Don’t be fucking retarded, and FFS stop confusing statistical measures of mean life outcomes for entire populations with viable life goals. You’re far too perspicacious for this shit.

      I’m glad you got to the crux here. I’m not just advising myself here, I’m trying to solve the more general case for the average Edenist lurker…so mean life outcomes is the appropriate model, whereas edge cases like me make for bad policy.

      “Perspicacious”, that’s an oddly appropriate misnomer. Meditating on it, I found some interesting insights about the nature of poetry and profundity.

      • Son of Distant Trebizond says:

        > I’m not saying you have to be a wagecuck forever, just that you have to be a wagecuck until you don’t.

        Indeed; and you’re right that this perhaps isn’t acknowledged enough in certain quarters. Even so, “cultivating the mindset of the Perfect Bureaucrat” is losing yourself in the hierarchy; it’s a long haul strategy where you NEVER get out. It’s true that you might get a measure of breathing space, but you’ll also be struggling with your nature. Having attained a certain level, but also having trapped yourself with such a strategy, how do you expect to out-shithead the legit bureaucrat types you’ll now be directly in competition with? Strategy self limits and stabilises at a shitty spot near the bottom of middle-management, with no way out.

        > my understanding of human nature is highly artificial/intellectualized and fails under pressure

        Exactly why you’ll have a bad time in the middle-management hinterland. Also, you have a soul…or something.

        This tendency of yours may also cause you to reify the corporate hierarchy, which is a general model whose predictiveness breaks down at greater levels of detail.

        >I’m not just advising myself here, I’m trying to solve the more general case for the average Edenist lurker.

        There’s a difference between advice and observation. Advising neanderNEETs to play to their strengths and maximally develop their potential is useful; it may enable a decent proportion to reach the middle and a few to soar. Advising them to strive for mediocrity will generate despair. It’s functionally bad advice, even with the veneer of realism. This observation is informed by the features of the subpopulation you wish to help; they have IQ and a measure of AH, and are therefore likely imaginative on some level as well as having potential. Remember that even the mediocre are convinced of their absolute specialness and rightful place at the top. Without this, Supreme Hyperborean Gentlemen are once again at a net disadvantage against their normie competitors.

        >”Perspicacious”, that’s an oddly appropriate misnomer. Meditating on it, I found some interesting insights about the nature of poetry and profundity.


        Care to share?

        • Akuma says:

          Everyone is a wagecuck though. Unless you live on a self sufficient island your toiling for someone. Even contractors are doing work for someone else. They then have pay taxes so they are then an income tax cuck.

  10. I believe that this post is a bit too pessimistic. I think you’re overestimating the power of the negative. It’s probably good advice for those looking to get three years in at Dunder Mifflin Corp but after that there are possibilities. It’s not all God awful, although it’s still important to recognise that it’s really bad. But it’s not so overwhelmingly bad.

    • Dwight says:

      As long as they fire Pam and I can get a standing desk installed where here desk is it doesn’t matter. Then I will rule the cube floor with an iron fist. Micheal Scott’s reign of terror will end.

    • Aeoli Pera says:

      >I believe that this post is a bit too pessimistic.

      Lol, you always say that tho.

      >I think you’re overestimating the power of the negative.

      The point of negativity is to dispel illusions, and I don’t want people thinking they’re going to purity-spiral their way into cybermoney working as 1337 hackers in their moms’ basements.

      >It’s probably good advice for those looking to get three years in at Dunder Mifflin Corp but after that there are possibilities. It’s not all God awful, although it’s still important to recognise that it’s really bad. But it’s not so overwhelmingly bad.


  11. Santoculto says:

    This is you*

  12. Tom Kratman says:

    “But I’ll tell you right now that following the orthodox advice to follow your passion and turn your hobbies into businesses are going to put you in an early grave…”

    Not necessarily.

  13. Pingback: Aspie disregard for social norms | Aeoli Pera

  14. TMNEETLord says:

    Great post, Aeoli. It’s been a while since I’ve visited but I must say, your writing is definitely improving.

    Anyway, regarding the content/advice, I think it’s good. For us troubled individuals or whatever you want to call us, before we can take a seat for ourselves in the whatever middle-class, first we need to accept the reality of our situation and find an entry point that is friendly. By friendly, I mean manageable for us. Then, we can begin to work our way up, around, through, etc. Also, I suspect most of us here suffer from low conscientiousness. I know you do, Aeoli. I do, too. The idea of conscientiousness should be incorporated into the game plan because it’s pretty fixed and if you choose to enter into something that requires 80+ hours a week but you can barely handle 20 or 30, then you’re completely fucked, even with a good supply of modafinil and stress blockers. So make sure it’s something you could actually handle long-term, because long-term grinding is the only way you’ll make it. Any other route is a lie. Myself, I’m looking at something in the science field that requires about 40 hours per week. I couldn’t handle more than that, at least not for any extended period of time.

    Important points:

    * Work is for earning money so you can live your life.
    * Unless you’re part of a very small minority (brilliant scientists or writers etc.) work won’t bring any real meaning into your life.
    * Only a very, very small minority of people actually have careers. Don’t buy into the career myth.

  15. Pingback: The third step: leave the house and find other people who like music | Aeoli Pera

  16. Pingback: Expectations | Aeoli Pera

  17. Pingback: Some expectations | Aeoli Pera

  18. Baron Julius Evola says:

    This blog is top notch keep up the good work.

  19. wpadmin777 says:

    Such a timeless post.

  20. Pingback: AEOLI PERA BEST OF AND SERIES INDEX V 1.0 – True Ataraxia Radio

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