On the sudden dominance of incest porn

Incest porn alone, even if everything else in the modern world were a blissful utopia, may represent an existential threat to any civilization that allows it to exist. I believe it’s being pushed primarily as a depopulation mechanism because it deconstructs the incest taboo which is necessary for erotic transference in early childhood development. Deconstructing this taboo or preventing it from forming would infantilize the population and remove their desire to reproduce, causing them to prefer a childish, dependent existence.

To make the threat more concrete for you, this is as if in the space of two years we suddenly began to see a shockingly high number of babies being born without genitals, say 30%, and this number were rising. There may or may not also be a massive demand for incest porn to match the supply, as the normal development of bonding in nuclear family breaks down entirely, because the statistics showing these phenomena suggest it is not merely propaganda pushed by evil pornographers. I believe it is clearly also propaganda pushed by depopulation advocates, and I believe this is obvious in light of the concomitant cultural push for its acceptance, but not merely propaganda. I’d compare its popularity to that of Game of Thrones—there is certainly more demand for it than we’d like, and at the same time some of the demand is marketing-driven for the purposes of social engineering.

“To say it has increased in popularity 1000% would be an understatement,” Dillon said. “Once other studios saw the demand for this type of content they started to produce the family role-playing movies to meet demand.”

And who, exactly, is driving the demand for this content? Why, millennials, of course.

Given the near-universality of viewing incestuous sexual relationships as taboo, it seems unlikely that anyone would have an inherent predilection for simulated daddy-daughter intercourse. Yet the trend is clear: Millennials are into fauxcest.

Why Do Millenials Love Faux-Incest Porn S Much?

If you want to understand erotic transference and think you have the mental caliber to make the necessary conceptual leaps for jumping to the end, watch the mirror box therapy videos in this old post. Otherwise, I’d recommend starting on this video which explains transference in general.

I suspect this trend will rise sharply with Gen Z, as it would explain a lot of their oddly reclusive sociosexual behavior that I’ve witnessed personally and read about in iGen. If a person has not developed an interest in sex with semi-unrelated strangers, or if this interest developed and then was destroyed by consumption of taboo-breaking porn from pre-pubescence onward (an unfortunate statistical reality we will have to address with public policy someday), then it stands to reason they’ll have no interest in developing careers, social lives, or just plain leaving Mom’s house. Why pursue conditional love when you only have a mental category for unconditional love?

I may harp on this topic a few times in the coming weeks to get it to stick in your head, because it’s important and there are some subjects only an autistic person is allowed to talk about. (Or rather, we’re not allowed but nobody will bother to socially punish me for it.)

About Aeoli Pera

Maybe do this later?
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17 Responses to On the sudden dominance of incest porn

  1. Major Styles says:

    From my understanding, the majority of pornography companies in the US are Jewish owned (I could be wrong, but that’s what I’ve been told and it seems logical). If that’s true, then we can look to the most sacred tradition of Orthodox Jews, the penile blood sucking during the Mitzvah B’Peh briss, as the epicenter of modern American porn culture.

    In other words, everything springs out of the worldview of the individual that creates a narrative.

  2. Bg says:

    Of course propaganda needa to ally with envy, narcissism, and all the rest of good deep mind forces to prevail.
    It’s never only propaganda, but if the few good psychic forces are starved, and the bad ones insistently and expertly fed…

    Anyway, keeping and increasing power requires that much, so it’s done and will be done.

  3. Bg says:

    I also subsume the fact that parents and relatives are much more like strangers than pastly (less shared time. Social media circle as substitute family.) helps fantasize about sex with them.

  4. bicebicebice says:

    “In other words, everything springs out of the worldview of the individual that creates a narrative.”

    aka “fuck me i’ll fuck you right back (in theory)”. all pornography is jewish revengeporn, all racemixing tv-pop media is jewish revengeporn. On the other hand it is diversifying milf-porn to make it sound more interesting, the first step of clicking is putting an exciting thought into the persons head, then the images will take control of the other head. Accomplish several tasks at once, more clicks more ads more shilling the goyim and more shekels all because of a few word changes, creating new fantasies.

    The good thing about idiocracy is that soon normies won’t be able to read. Then you just need to turn off the media, people laugh at the uk porn-pass but I think that it is good.

  5. bicebicebice says:

    “November 29, 2018 at 8:35 pm
    >The good thing about idiocracy is that soon normies won’t be able to read.

    You just won the Superbowl of Bicepoasting, what are you going to do now?”

    Town crier. In French.
    Then you get the situation where people are upset that they don’t understand what you are saying, you see, they just want to hear what you say and then ignore it. This is the way of the normie. Can’t force a guy to win. Instructions on WINNING is always kryptonite or fake and gay even if proven right time and time again. Hieroglyphics will solve this and already implemented here in swe, I have a smiliar piece near me with better graphics.

    If you want to forward a anything to any goobernment thang here, you have 300 or max 600 letters to do so. Sounds like a lot but it aint. We just press buttons now and collect greens.

    “While I’d finger the Jews as primary pushers, I’d finger whites for the demand.”
    Sure, if nobody is doing cocaine you couldn’t even give it away for free. Then again, we don’t let mentally stunted people enter into legally binding contracts and we don’t let children drive cars. Exposing people with a double digit IQ to things they are not mature enough to handle or letting them vote tricking them into beliving they are experts in politics, itz sort of like people always choosing the wrong candidate and then the smart people “act surprised” at the outcome. Sort of like a toddler crashing a beemer. Have we done away with safety? Yes we have!

    If the state is the parent the state has the right to block things that are for your own good, if you are a child of the state and Jesus himself won’t even sell the shitlibs a porn-pass.

  6. Arakawa says:

    My experience of psychosexual development is that pre-puberty the libido is directed towards fantasies of random magic powers (flying, growing/shrinking, shapeshifting, travelling to far places / parallel dimensions). This seems to be innocent and spontaneous, though since this is still libido in a fallen world the child feels a certain shame about openly displaying interest in such things. There is also a decent amount of children’s literature that targets these interests. Narnia tried to use such topics as a gateway drug to more religious experiences that are not obviously interesting/desirable to many kids. Eustace turning into a dragon happens in pretty harrowing circumstances, but golly, isn’t it interesting to imagine flying around as a dragon? Getting blown like a feather across the ocean in Silver Chair? I’d probably trade that for sex even now. Running up a waterfall in Aslan’s Country? Definitely more interesting than normie-Evangelical church hymns about Heaven.

    Until a certain age, there is no interest in / awareness of conventional pornographic imagery — any exposure to such things goes right over the child’s head. Then at a certain age there is suddenly an imprinting period where any sexualized imagery is experienced very strongly and the wrong imagery will create a fetish that will take years to work through.

    But that is in the case of conventional development without any serious traumas pre-puberty. “Normal” development even has some safety room for “conventional” porn. The problem is that there’s hardly any “pure” “conventional” porn (if you want to see some, go to a museum. Rooms and rooms of stone porn). It’s almost all degrading pr0n that’s influenced by demonic forces to try to harness the sexual impulse of humans to get them to enjoy loosh and cooperate in deeper spiritual vices that have nothing to do with sex. Rather than overt pr0n, I’m just as concerned about pr0n-like material that passes a superficial test for cleanliness but implies all the same things.

    Hence I was already disturbed to see that there is a lot of pr0n-like material that takes these kinds of magic fantasies children have and links them subtly or overtly to (a) conventional pornographic sex and (b) horrifying loosh like stuff (ego death, degrading sadomasochism). The game seems to be to fill the mind with as many messed up things as possible so they are already in place by the imprinting period.

    Plausible game plan for corrupting near-pubescent boy:
    – reads/fantasizes about shapeshifting into random things with magic powers
    – then shapeshifting into girls with magic powers — girls are a random thing
    – then shapeshifting into just ordinary girls
    – then shapeshifting into girls who like girl things
    – then shapeshifting into pinup girls with big chests
    – then shapeshifting into pinup girls with big chests who are obsessed with sex
    – then shapeshifting into girls who experience ego death so your mind turns into a girl and then you probably get raped into the bargain
    – pile exponentially more loosh on top of that

    There is no inherent reason for this progression, it’s just an inverse therapy to mess the kid up and link together otherwise unrelated things. Emotional disturbance due to mainlining loosh then leads to visit to a psychologist who diagnoses dysphoria and assigns antidepressants and Hormone Therapy. This progression is particularly apropos because the progression ends in a medical office. You can substitute Pony or Pokemon or whatever, which may be luckier because you may become more messed up in the short term but at least you’re not declared as an oppressed class and the DSM-5000 doesn’t suggest you undergo surgeries for your condition. Yet. So you have a chance to do your own thinking and recover away from the medical establishment.

    Adding incest makes all this worse, but that’s a trajectory we were already on. Deviantart, fanfiction and bad webcomics are a terrible hive of all this. Since victims of pr0n or pr0n-like material tend to become perverted hack artists themselves and create other victims, it’s very difficult to trace to a point of origin. Unless you want to wade through an ocean of degrading pr0n. And it does seem to target whatever’s popular with the kids now. So if that’s Undertale, you can bet there’s incest porn of it.

    And if Narnia was the cool thing now the covert messaging would fall flat because kids would go on the Internet and there’s your Eustace-dragon pr0n.

    I suppose at the advent of this stuff on the Internet I was young enough to be slightly scarred by it but not completely degraded. I would agree that the prevalence of this is an attempt by the dark powers towards premature and screwed-up sexualization of a larger proportion of the populace, given that in spite of great efforts in that direction it is logistically not possible for every child to be molested IRL. But the Internet, now? That thing scales. So things that affect sub-single-digit percentage of one generation are likely going to scale to a large part of the next generation.

    Some of the youtube-kids videos seem to skip over sex and magic powers completely and just dive off the deep end into pure loosh.

  7. j says:

    younger females have always been sexually attracted to older male authority figures. and vice-versa. this stuff would have been healthy and normal given the proper environment which once actually existed i.e. a relatively high-trust ethnoculturally homogenous society. we’ve been gradually ((r-shifted)) which means what was once normal is now less obtainable and also, increasingly seen as dangerous and taboo. in turn, that which is forbidden and taboo is more prone to being turned into a sexual fetish, the pleasure of which comes with guilt and fear of being outed as a pervert if other people were to know. hence we see that ((they)) create a problem and then come in to profit and advance the goals within their globalist agenda using the problem they created.

    all this is clearly destructive to the host nation in general, since it emasculates men and demonizes male authority and masculinity. it seeks to replace the traditionalist male sociosexual hierachy based on competence with a void which is filled by a female-determined sociosexual hierarchy based on hypergamy. #not-my-hierarchy i think i actually just explained the Gamma mindset.

    furthermore if females regard male authority and by relation males in general with fear/distrust/contempt/disgust then in this void of authority they will need to seek something to replace it, which is obviously the ((matrix)) i.e. the entire megastructure of indoctrination beginning with the education system and continuing with the consumption of mass media and of course throughout it all, the greatly increased tendency of females to follow the herd – ‘what is popular is right and i should submit to it’.

  8. everlastingphelps says:

    All of the “stats” that come from Juice Owned Pornhub are fake. They literally just make it up.

    The real question is why are these juice suddenly pushing incest porn.

  9. Pingback: On Addiction – True Ataraxia Radio

  10. Pingback: Incest and narcissism (Vaknin) | Aeoli Pera

  11. Pingback: Behelit Myth, Sex Magic, and Sacrifice – True Ataraxia Radio

  12. Niby Myśliciel says:

    If you look at the article you cite, it notes that much of the reason for this trend is its utility in advertising, and much of the rest is just the usual attraction to the transgressive; neither of these causes seems likely to have the sorts of enormous effects on young people’s sexual development that you’re predicting. The commenter above who noted that similar trends may come partly from the interaction of sexuality with the more magical fantasies of childhood, facilitated by the availability of sexual material online, may also have a point. However, if you want to convince people (who don’t already agree with you, that is) that this trend is some sort of huge problem, then you need to include more evidence than you have.

  13. Pingback: AEOLI PERA BEST OF AND SERIES INDEX V 1.0 – True Ataraxia Radio

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